
  1. W

    Were you unhappy with Obama's telling us what stimulus is?

    He sure thinks taxpayers are dumb. Telling us that the stimulus is spending really upset me. He overlooks all the unnecessary spending and goes along with Pelosi's wild spending program that will insure the devaluation of the dollar. This is not the change I wanted. How about You?? Tax evaders...
  2. L

    Why is Obama wanting to give Tax Breaks to Hollywood in this stimulus bill?

    Obama says he will not give Tax Break to big business wow so Obama thinks hollywood is small business. WASHINGTON - Finally, Democrats have found a tax-cut they can support - one that puts even more money in the pockets of Barbara Streisand, Michael Moore and the rest of their pals in...
  3. N

    who's going out and buying a new car after the stimulus passes?

    i didn't think so
  4. M

    why do republicans want to complain about the Stimulus Bill that is being...

    ...used to help out poor people? they dont say anything about $10 BILLION a month being spent for the Iraq War money that could have been used to help our OWN country and they say nothing about $700 BILLION to give to these Corporate Crooks that were ripping people off during the Housing Crisis...
  5. S

    Does this Pork stuffed Stimulus package clear Obama of all the Muslims rumors?

    Now that is funny, I dont care who you are.
  6. K

    Input about the stimulus package that is affecting the USA?

    Give me your input about this new package that the government has drawn up. Do you agree with it? Do you think that it is too late to help? Do you have any ideas that would help this country recover? How are you affected by this economic downturn? Do you think that things will get worse.
  7. E

    Stimulus - Where should the money go?!? Where should it NOT go?!?

    I think it should go to students, and the elderly. It should go towards social programs to help people keep their homes while they're looking for a job. It should go towards healthcare for children who live below the poverty line. It should NOT be used to make worthless CEO's even more wealthy.
  8. T

    are we getting a stimulus check this year?

    Is President Obama Giving Us A Check
  9. K

    What do you think of the Economic Stimulus Package?

    I don't really know what to think, especially when there is money in it for prostitutes and idiots who have sex with strangers. in other words beautiful shelters for Hoes, and $335+ million for "prevention of" Sexually transmitted diseases. WTF is going on? I support Obama, but all we can do...
  10. E

    Why doesn't the gov. use some of the $20 Bil in the Stimulus pack. for food...

    ...stamps to preventing fraud? I saw a woman with 4 kids pay at the food store with a food stamps. When I went into the parking lot she was getting into a $50,000 Lexus SUV. There are people who legitimately need food stamps. This person is milking the system and should be punished.
  11. H

    Did anyone see the statement McCain made on Economic Stimulus?

    Here is the link to what he said on the Senate floor on Feb 3rd. I read the whole thing, and no matter what your political affilliation is, I think the man has some very WISE (yes, years of bipartisan voting records that angered many GOP over his...
  12. C

    The new stimulus package(Its been passed)?

    Well early this evening congress came to agreement on a 780 billion dollar package. Do anyone know how the money will be distributed? I believe that it will include a 1000 tax relief for working couples but other than that im clueless. Any idea if college students will receive any of this?
  13. P

    I'm confused about stimulus and global warming, are you?

    global warming total bunk....
  14. W

    Poll: Stimulus package? Yeah or sha-nay-nay?

    Share your rationale for your answer, thanks! Jeremy, give me some of what you are smoking because it is obvious you are hallucinating. Willie, I don't recall hearing that the 'check is in the mail' and made out to me! (or you)
  15. S

    If H doesn't get his stimulus, will his supporters riot and car-b-que France style?

    And take us one step closer to the France style socialism they all crave?
  16. C

    Hollywood to benefit from stimulus?

    Can anybody show me proof that this is true? I glanced through the bill...but it is too long to read, and there are too many legal terms...I did not see anything to support this claim, however numerous reporters have reported that the stimulus is going to provide Hollywood with 246 Million...
  17. O

    Do you believe the Media is pushing negative news to force the wasteful stimulus

    bill through congress? Once again I feel the media is twisting facts to push for the waste full stimulus bill. That piece of trash should be cut to about 30% of it's current size and concentrate on jobs and not push unnecessary spending on taxpayers.
  18. L

    Why is Barack Obama using the politics of FEAR (Stimulus) like Bush did with...

    ...Terrorism? He is saying pass the stimulus bill or we will all die I thought Obama was supposed to be about change? Seems like the same old crap to me
  19. J

    Why is the right whining about a $700B stimulus package when they gladly

    spent 3 TRILLION on a bunch of.......? ungrateful, America hating shoe throwers yugihc ... I wasn't aware that Iraq has EVER attacked America...please enlighten me Stuntman Mike ...USS Midway the first time...we didn our job and it was all over in a month punkydoodle218...fair enough ProUSA2...
  20. G

    Have they came to a deal on the stimulus pkg yet in Washington?

    How much are they going to give every one this time? IF we are getting a stimulus check at all.