
  1. T

    Is the Stimulus bill a good thing or politics as usual?

    Would you vote on this or pass on it till you read it? I know I would read my mortgage papers or my car loan before I signed it. And if I didn't understand a part of it I would get an explanation. Why wouldn't our government do the same?
  2. P

    Obama proclaimed a crisis would be a catastrophe if the stimulus didn't pass. Is the

    stimulus going to cause? is this stimulus going to become the catastrophe? Brought on from increasing the national debt nearly 10 percent within weeks from his inauguration. Liberals proclaim that there are no earmarks in this stimulus package. When in truth the whole stimulus is a earmark. It...
  3. W

    What commodity futures will go up as a result of stimulus bill?

    With the billions being spent what commodity futures would be a good investment?
  4. W

    Republicans in Congress complain the Stimulus Bill?

    Burdens future generations. Where was that concern while the Bush Administration ran up a trillion dollar deficit? What is the difference? Aside from partisanship? By the tenor of the answers I can see y'all have trouble with reading and comprehending. The question dealt only with complaints of...
  5. W

    Will we see more stimulus plans from the government in the future?

    If this $800 billion plan gets approved, will there be new ones? will there be a new one for the financial sector?
  6. Z

    REPUBLICANS, the American public is optimistic about the new STIMULUS package,... why are you complaining ? Because you are losing and losing bad. All I get from you guys, is a bunch or whining and moaning. Talk about a nation of whiners, how about the Republican Party. A party of whiners, that is more like it. Take care of the poor, and the rest will follow...
  7. N

    billions & billions for "stimulus" packages?

    ok, they screwed it up once and now they're doing it again...when do we get a say for money we'll have to re-pay?
  8. T

    Are you for or against Kevin Rudd's Stimulus package of 42 billion dollars?

    I'm all for it as my mum really needs the $1900 she would receive if it passed
  9. L

    Obama is styling his stimulus after FDR. Did you know FDR raised taxes up

    to 91% of income? So let's get this straight: FDR increased government spending precipitously. FDR increased income taxes to almost 100% to pay for it... ...and FDR presided over one of the longest recessions in history. Oh wait...I forgot, no one every tells you that part. Yes, folks, FDR...
  10. H

    Where can I read how exactly the proposed 2009 Economic Stimulus is broken down?

    I'm looking for a website or news article that breaks down the billions/trillions of dollars that will be spent. For example, $50 B for education, $25 B for new home buyers, etc. etc.
  11. M

    The fight begins: Drug makers vs. the Stimulus Bill

    The fight begins: Drug makers vs. the Stimulus Bill According to a report in the The Wall Street Journal yesterday, the drug industry is gearing up to fight a provision in the Stimulus Bill. The provision will spend $1.1 billion on research that compares medical treatments on...
  12. I

    I think we should take the 1 trillion stimulus package money and give it to...

    ...the poor in the Philippines? I think if we did that, our economy would bounce back great. Because blessed are those who consider the poor, and God would fix everything because we helped those people. Are you for my plan to stimulate the economy...
  13. L

    will the stimulus cause an ultimate economic collapse?

    with government throwing billions of taxpayers money at failing companies like the car industry, will this eventually lead to government running out of money and debt ridden companies collapsing because they are basically out of cash: or will it reinvigorate consumption?
  14. S

    The stimulus plan invests a lot of money into college... without future jobs, does...

    ...this help the U.S.? Trying to figure out how this works...
  15. C

    Should the $950 stimulus bonus instead be used for rebuilding after the victoria

    bushfires? i think yes, it's a very useful way to stimulate the economy. sorry, to help the QLD flood victims too
  16. T

    Obama's stimulus plan and my old Buick?

    I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I heard somewhere that the new stimulus package has a deal where the government is going to buy or give credit for old gas guzzlers like my 1980 Buick, Could someone inform me if this true or not , and how it works if it is true.
  17. S

    what do you think about president Obama stimulus plan?

    im not really savvy on politics. i did vote for obama in the elections, i do know enough to know we needed some sort of change. the president was on tv last night talking about his stimulus plan that everyone has been talking about. as an obama supporter i myself am not sure that this stimulus...
  18. A

    NONBIASED no politics. economists view of what the billion dollar stimulus...

    ...package will do in the ST and LT? I would rather have this more educational than something that says oh well obama is an idiot blah blah this and blah blah that. st and lt are well short term and long term. Is there any such bills that have been passed in the past that is similar to this one...
  19. S

    How much is Obama's stimulus going to be?

    Any word yet? per person
  20. M

    When the GOP blocks the Stimulus Bill but votes to spend $1 Trillion dollars... IRAQ, I wanna scream! dummies!? am i living in the twilight zone. this bill is not filled with "pork" you dummies. i read it. if anything this pork you call it makes up less than 1% of the total bill. HELLO???! the GOP has voted to spend $1trillion in IRAQ and has doubled our national debt...