1) do washington police officers have audio recording devices.2) if i car has...


New member
May 31, 2008
..."1.6L" what does the L stand for? alright i have two questions,
The first one is, I got pulled over today for supposedly speeding. I do not believe it is possible because my speedometer said 30 (although it was in a 25) but even if i were, there was a car about 2 or 3 car lengths in front of me, if i was going 25+ mph faster than that car, i believe i would have hit it. I have no witnesses or anything but the cop. Do police officers have audio recording devices? specifically cops in Mukilteo, WA? (also, how good of a chance do you think i have of fighting this, and any advise would be helpful)
Now my second question is, I've been looking to buy a car. (I was driving my moms earlier) and i am looking mostly for fuel economy. and i notice in the specs of a car it'll say 1.8L or 1.6L. What does that mean, it creates a significant difference in gas millage, so i would like to know what it means, how to tell when you physically see the car, and i'd like to know if it's common for people to know this about their car how many "L's" they have. (I'm assuming L means liter, but liters of what, I do not know much about cars, so feel free to explain it in detail if necessary)
and if this helps
if you look there, under the pictures one is 1.6L one is 2.0L
If your have sources to site for the police audio recorders, that would be nice, I would like to read them for myself as well to make sure your information is coming from a credible source.
police have video recording devices in all cars if you were going five over than that's enough for the ticket if you show up to court and you haven't had any other violations they might let it slide. The L stands for Liters which is the size of the engine 1.8 Liter is a bigger engine than the 1.6Litre engine the 1.6 should get better gas mileage in that respect.
So your your admitting that you were going 30 in a 25 zone... and yet you claim you weren't speeding? good luck with that.
On to the next one, That' the amount of air displacement an engine puts out. As you should know, fuel needs oxygen to burn. There's a perfect ratio of fuel to air Which gets you the cleanest and most efficient burn possible, I believe it's 1:14. So an engine that has higher air displacement can burn more fuel, creating a more powerful engine.