14 year old gym workout routine?


Apr 27, 2008
I just got a gym membership. Im not overweight however do have a flabby stomach and thighs. This gym membership allows access to gym and pools so I was wondering what my routine should be? I have a persoanl trainer but thats not till next week and Im going to gym tomorrow. I am going six days a week, all in the morning 630-730am. I was thinking of running on treadmill for 40 minutes then bicycle for 20 minutes. What else can I do? Thanks
Depends on what your long term goal is and where you're currently at in terms of body composition. Are you overweight? Flabby stomach/thighs may just mean that you don't have much muscle mass. If you're overweight then you want to be at a calorie deficit to lose the fat.


Make sure that you do weighted exercises (especially squats) as well as cardio. Many females avoid weights because they think they'll end up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger. In reality, females can't build too much muscle, so weight training makes them look awesome. People that do tons of cardio but no weights will not look great at all.

Just google 'why girls should squat' and you'll see some humorous images proving my point. :)