A really hard riddle! best answer is ten points?

The bicycles are "bicycle" playing cards, and he was caught cheating with an extra card, hence the 53 cards as opposed to 52. The other players killed him when they found out he was cheating.
Your riddle is wrong. It should be...

A man is found dead with 53 bicycles in the room (not 52).

The answer actually is....

The bicycles are "bicycle" playing cards, and he was caught cheating with an extra card, hence the 53 cards as opposed to 52. The other players killed him when they found out he was cheating.

You wrote it wrong.

Question: A man is shot to death in a room with 53 bicycles. Why?

Answer: He was cheating at cards. Bicycle is a common brand of playing cards. There are 52 cards in the deck, and the 53rd was up his sleeve.
Your riddle is wrong. It goes:

A man is found dead with 53 bicycles in the room (not 52).

The bicycles are "bicycle" playing cards, and he was caught cheating with an extra card, hence the 53 cards as opposed to 52. The other players killed him when they found out he was cheating.
the only thing i can think of that has to do with 52 is playing cards so my guess is he wanted to play 52 card pickup with cards that have bikes on them but when the cards fell down the accidently sliced him and having 52 paper cuts led to him bleeding to death. sad sad world we live in lol
Er, first of all, have you got the wrong riddle? The one I know goes:
A man is dead in a room with 53 bikes, how did he die?
Answer: The "bikes" are playing cards and the man had an extra one, he cheated. The other players killed him because he cheated.
are you sure you don't mean "Bicycles" not bikes, Because Bicycles was a common brand of playing cards, um that he cheated playing at.
He was the king of hearts in a deck of bicycle cards. He committed suicide. (King of hearts AKA suicide king)
well you see, the bikes were all drinking alchahol and when the man walked by they wanted to steel his purse. so they murdered and raped him good. then they went to a room to eat pizza and stuff and played video games all night.
the bikers were after him and they killed him cuz they hated him and they just left their bikes there! =^)
Your riddle is wrong. It goes:

A man is found dead with 53 bicycles in the room (not 52).


The bicycles are "bicycle" playing cards, and he was caught cheating with an extra card, hence the 53 cards as opposed to 52. The other players killed him when they found out he was cheating.
The bicycles are "bicycle" playing cards, and he was caught cheating with an extra card, hence the 53 cards as opposed to 52. The other players killed him when they found out he was cheating.
answer #3 Nikki cheated u can read that exact answer here:
http://www.blurtit.com/q531528.html b/c i asked this once so thats how i knew.