Answer these trivia questions?


May 14, 2008
If you get all 10 right you get, barararaummm! 10 points!

Question 1: What song begins with "The night is deafening when the silence is listen and I'm down on my knees cause i know SOMETHING is missing"
2: Who killed kenny?
3: who played Alice in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland
4: Which of Nickasaur!'s songs includes the word "supercalafragilisticexpialidosiously"
5: What number does Carly (from ICarly) make up to have Chuck (Spencer's rival) fail his math test?
6: Name the first 10 digits for pi
7: The Alice in Wonderland video game is out for which 2 gaming devices of systems
8: What was the first question I asked you?
9: What starts with P and ends in Orn
10: what's 50-3+14*8?
1. Saviour-Lights :)
2. Kenny dies wayyyyy too many times to count, but i guess you could say the writer of the show.
3. Mia Wasikowska (or something like that. )
5. derff
6. 3.1415926535 (but rounded it ends in 6)
7. Nintendo DS and Wii
8. technically it was "Answer these trivia questions?"
9. people of the corn. (lol....its true!)
10. 47+112= 159