Anthony Kiedis incident. Your take?

I think what people are failing to miss is that it isn't the hotel keeping the guest out, it is a a third person (personal security) that is trying to keep the guest out.

In my mind, a third person has no right to keep me from me and my room when he is in the employ of another.

Also- CD - that is why it is not a hotel fail, these personal security guards don't work for the hotel.

- Or did I interpret that wrong from the vid?
You seem to interpret a lot of things incorrectly and are probably waiting for someone to take the bait.

I think we can just leave it and let each person decide for themselves.
Yes, because the priorities of someone who has eaten holes in his brain through decades of hard drug use are likely well-reasoned and his responses are surely logical.
C'est La Vie. At least getting to that point I would have done a lot more with my life than if I had stopped to explain myself or ask permission at every turn.
How often are you people being asked to stop or slow down for some reason?
Sounds like it's a constant annoyance to you?
I can't remember the last time someone said "Can you hold on a minute mate..."X" is happening".
In the context you use here I don't see that a lot, but if you understand a process and how it should work from getting from A-B then there are any number of roadblocks that people can throw up that effectively do the same thing.

Sometimes people are innocently trying to help a situation but don't have the proper skills to do so, and therefore they are using the interaction as a learning experience themselves - simplified example would be buying a train ticket at a vending machine with an assistant on their first day of the job, whilst they are trying to help you would do better to navigate around them to get to goal.

Or an airline that doesn't understand how to code X-I using the Shares system. Sometimes you need to guide the person, sometimes you need to bump them and gain access otherwise.

I'm a proponent of asking forgiveness rather than permission. I think it gets more done.

PS- I should add that if I have the time, I will help people learn too, but if I do not I do not have the tolerance for people who are hindering me. For the most part I do it kindly also, rather than am rude, despite how that may appear here.
what we don't know is how many times Anthony Keidis has had the same thing happen where it was just some guy trying to get him to pause in one spot so paparazzi could take photos, fire questions at him etc. Having read his biography he seems like a pretty mellow guy and I would assume he just wanted to go inside and figured this guy was running some sort of scam. I agree if Keidis had jumped a barricade or the security guard was in some sort of uniform,etc. it would have probably gone down with Keidis waiting and chatting outside.
This was not assault. Kiedis was staying at a hotel, some random bloke just jumps in front of him and tries to stop him entering and Kiedis tries to push him out of the way. I think it was a fair response. If some twit randomly jumped out infront of me and tried to block me I would probably do the same.
Furthermore, another assumption (I'm full of them I know...)

I would argue that if the Stones knew that Kiedis was a guest at the hotel they would have no problem whatsoever with him walking through that security point, because:

a. He is a guest, and as such has a valid reason to want to go through.
b. He is something of a peer, and they would have an affinity with a fellow star in his situation and would understand things.

Locking down a section to provide a security perimeter was a choice made by personal security, to help the protection of their client, it is overkill and a solution that will have problems, such as these encountered.

As the Stones had not arrived at this stage, all they were doing was creating a safe zone, or, in other words blocking access to people in order to protect a building, not a person.

Security of the Stones was the mission, and the implementation of the security did not require the blocking of the safe zone (though arguably it may have been the easiest way to ensure security) blocking the exit was a strategy to help get to goal. The flaw in the strategy was Kiedis.

What they are doing is actually insulting and dominating the individual by restricting his movements.

Now- I get that all that happened in 0.2 seconds, but if that is the pace you move at, and Keidis knows all this already, I can see why he wouldn't want to wait.
And while I'm at it, if you look at the vid you can see that there actually was a conversation, which could have easily gone like this:

[Security] you can't come in here
[Guest] Why not? I am a guest
[Security] I said you can't come in here
[Guest] Get out of my way dude

Could have gone down like that or any other number of ways.
It should have went:

[Security] you can't come in here
[Guest] Why not? I am a guest
[Security] I said you can't come in here
[Guest] I want to speak to a manager

You can't just punch everyone who gets in your way. I don't know why that is so hard to understand.

Trust me on this absolutely no one is looking for you to tell them how to do their job.

Boo hoo. What you are suggesting is not only insulting and dominating to the people that run and work at the establishment you are trying to get into, it can also get you charged with trespassing and assault.
There's no particular reason to doubt someone's sanity just because they were a junkie a decade and a half ago. Neither heroin nor cocaine put "holes" in your brain.
Who said I wouldn't. But I would expect a hotel employee to be wearing a badge that said so. What's your problem with that?
That same property had the right to evict you whenever they choose. You are a guest and not the owner. I've had to explain this same thing at least a hundred times when a hotel has called for the police to evict unruly guests. When you sign your name to your room you are effectively submitting to their authority so you can stay there. Disregard what's on that agreement and you are at fault, not them.
Earning a Darwin Award as your last act isn't exactly glorious. Sometimes when someone says "Don't go there" it can probably save your life. An officer on my department years ago heard a car flying through a tunnel towards his intersection and told the pedestrians about to cross to stop. One young lady obviously thought her time was more important, started walking, and proceeded to decorate the intersection with her body parts. One example of many.
Whether they wear a badge or not is irrelevant. You can't just go anywhere you want whenever you want. If you are refused to go into a restaurant, do you go somewhere else, do you wait until a you can go in, or do you falcon punch a server and rush in?
Just because you expect it doesn't make it so. Legally they do not need to wear or display a security badge which any knob can buy and use. There are heavily tinted cars parked in front of a hotel with police and guys wearing badly tailored black suits loitering around the front. It doesn't take an astrophysics degree to see it is some kind of security detail.

If you don't like what the guy in the suit says, walk the 20 feet over to where the cop is and ask him.