any good anime series on netflix instant queue?

Clannad (i like these types of animes)
Popoton ( Weird storyline but good nontheless)
Naruto (alot of F*cking episodes)
Helll girl ( Just got done watching all the episodes, i liked it )
Soul Eater (alot of seasons but its good, just got to keep watching )
Noein (i liked this, has some action and you learn stuff )
Baka and Test ( Mother f*cking Halarious )
Angle beats (the first episode makes like 0 sense but after you start watching it gets good)
Chobits ( this is a must watch )
Shuffle ( This is also a must watch )
Hikaru no Go ( its in japanese but its really good )
there are some others but i cant remember them for some reason
If you're really into action type try:
Full Metal Panic (Really good Mech action)
High School of the Dead (Zombie Action with crude humor)
Angel Beats (really good but it seems like it ends short)
Pumpkin Scissors (Really good action based in WWI era)
Baka and Test (Nice action with high school feel)
The Ugly Yet Beautiful World (Kind of a romantic action)
Spice and Wolf (Mostly drama but there is some action. Only thing is, only season 1 is on netflix, had to watch season 2 on Hulu)
AH! My Goddess (Has action in it but it seems more like a romantic comedy)
Burst Angel (Another good mech/gun action)
Gun X Sword (Awesome mech anime)
Sekirei (always good to watch girls fight)
Samurai Champloo (lots of sword play, can get really slow and boring at some points)
Desert Punk (lots of action with lots of humor. Must see!)
Girls Bravo

Other ones I enjoyed:
Ouran High School Host Club
Fruits basket
Clannad (only anime to make me cry at the end)
Eden of the East

You have Great taste! I've seen most of those and they are all really good lol I was trying to see who's seen what I've seen on Netflix but So far ur the closest but you should try watching Air Gear It's a reaaaaaaaallly good anime I loved it xD but try Demon King Daimao It's also pretty good not great but good xP
air gear hated main chrecter though
gun x sword
sacred blacksmith
soul eater
(i am only going to mention anime that is better then avatar or as good and funny)
Black butler
Sekirei( i absolutely love this Anime its a mainly female fighters it made me cry at the end of the first season, sekirei is my favorite anime, (netflix does not have sekirei :pure engagement ) it has lots of umm...uh, exposure in it but it is a really good and hilarious Anime)
GIRLS BRAVO! ( this is the funniest anime ever! no jk, the main character Yukinaru has been picked on by girls his whole life for being short which caused him to have an allergic reaction when ever a girl touches him, Keire is yukinari's neighbor and friend from school, and allways punches first and askes questions later , Miharu is a girl from the planat of seiren that posseses the " star mark" on her forehead she eats alot. Kazuharu Fukuyama( my favorite character) is the main problem in the anime, he is tall, super rich, and handsome, not to menchion a mega pervert , he has a problem opposit to Yukinaris, Fukuyama is allergic to Men. Lisa Fukuyama is kazuharu's little sister , she practices black magic and thinks yukinari is her soulmate. Koyomi: a girl who was sent from seiren to bring Miharu back, she os afraid of men..)
Soul Eater
d grey man FANTASTIC, kaze no stigma AMAZING shuffle- good, romance, inapropro ;D, mu-shi-shi, full metal panic- LOVE IT , fruits basket- :D
Watch Eden of the East, It has the most well developed plot, I mean its GOLDEN!!!
Gurren Lagann, Darker than Black, Elfen Lied, Angel Beats!, and Soul Eater are great as well, but Eden of the East is by far the best!

i just finished corpse princess the ending was kinda stupid but the series was really good
Black Butler
Elfen Lied
Fruits Basket
Soul Eater
Demon King Daimao

I had started watching others, but I feel that I haven't gotten far enough in the series to really say whether or not I enjoyed them. But the five I DID list I absolutely love, not to mention the songs with some of them. I listed the fifth one even though I'm still watching them, but I have to say I REALLY like it. Plus the beginning song is one of my favorites. :)
My views on Anime are kinda stringent. I don't like it when an anime doesn't finish something. That said,

*Trigun - This has been my favorite anime since '98 when it released. Best ending ever. I recommend this above all others.

*Samurai 7 - Holy crap! Great anime, great ending, and a bit of a tear-jerker. Shows the way of the warrior quite well.

*Afro Samurai - Ha.. Freakin' sweet. I own this anime, but Netflix has it also. The movie (Afro Samurai: Resurrection) detracts from it, in my opinion. Better off just watching the series. Someone earlier mentioned that it is hard to follow; I disagree completely.

*FLCL - I watched this on Adult Swim some years before netflix, and haven't seen it since. I remember it being very fast-paced and funny, somewhat confusing, and having a strange ending. I remember loving it, though.

*Jyu-Oh-Sei - Easily one of the better anime shows on Netflix. Also great ending.

*Gungrave - Much better than I thought it would be. My ducts actually teared a bit in the last episode. Okay, kind of a lot, actually. What a tear-jerking ending!

*Samurai Champloo - The fighting in this anime is the best I've ever seen. As a martial artist who trains with weapons, I was incredibly appreciative of this anime. Good ending, too.

*Moribito - Great, and I was very excited... Until it ended. It still ended and was worth watching, but it felt like the writers forgot to come back later and address two things. That's the only problem I had with it. Visually stunning.

*Elfen Leid - Great, and it ended well, too. Pretty intense battles.

*Demon King Daimao - God, I thought this was going to be terrible; however, it was fast-paced and fun, full of action, and boobies, too. I was pleasantly surprised.

*Avatar: The Last Airbender - While this is not technically Anime and is geared more for kids, it's one of the better animated shows that I've ever seen.

*Full Metal Alchemist - Good anime, worth watching, confusing as hell ending. I hear the movie clears up the confusion, and I hear that FMA: Brotherhood is better than FMA, but I haven't seen those.

*Rin - ........Don't watch this. It's on my list because apart from the only issue I have with it, it is an amazing story with a solid ending and it is short, sweet, and to the point. Six episodes each around 44 minutes long. Your tastes may be different, but it was very hard to stomach the constant sex and killing (same time). In my opinion those two shouldn't occur at the same time, but, if you can take it, or enjoy that level of kinkiness, then watch it. If not, then skip.

*Claymore - Eh. So-so. Worth watching.

*Devil May Cry - I hated this, but it wasn't necessarily bad. I've never played any of the games, so that just might be a prerequisite. As purely an Anime (not taking the games into account), it was worthless. No character building, no conflict that wasn't washed away instantly, and no building climax. If you've played the game and liked it, then I'm sure you would enjoy it better than I could, so it's on the list. It does have an ending of some sort.

*Soul Eater - Pretty awesome, but super weak ending. Closed it off well enough, but was anticlimactic.

*Deathnote - Personally, I much prefer the live-action movies they made; the anime is still good, though, and it definitely ends.

*Basilisk - Nice and dark, definitely ends, and very much so worth watching. Very dark.

*Blue Gender - This is now on Netflix. I haven't seen it in a long time, and I don't think I finished it, but I hear it's very good. It's on my rewatch list.

The above are the Anime on Netflix that I've seen that end. The next list is defined differently.

*Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple - Worth watching, but only half-ends. I really liked it, and would recommend it, anyway, though. Not dark at all.

*Inuyasha - Good anime; probably one of my favorites for storyline. (SPOILER ALERT - no ending. the last episode is the whole crew not having gotten anywhere in their quest. back to square one, basically, and Naraku is still alive, and possesses nearly the entire Sacred Jewel still. END OF SPOILER)

*Naruto - Geared for kids, doesn't end, and Naruto Shippuden isn't on Netflix. The most filler episodes that I've ever seen in any anime. Still good.

*Bleach - Netflix only has up until the end of the, "Bount," run (109 episodes), so don't expect any closure.

*Trinity Blood - Well, this show reminded me so much of Trigun that I was ecstatic while watching it, but, (SPOILER ALERT - it doesn't end. The end of the series is basically, "Hey, well, we'll just keep going!" Just like Inuyasha. END OF SPOILER)

*Mushi-shi. Great anime! But, absolutely no plot, and every episode is unrelated. Someone earlier said it was boring... I didn't think so at all. It had my interest in every episode.

I watched the first two episodes of Oshigurui, then stopped because I couldn't stand it. Mega dark, brutal, and gory. The story skips back and forth in time so much that I lol'd and called it a joke, which was the reason I stopped, but if you like wtfing all the time then it may be good for you.

A lot of these anime are on Netflix but don't show up under the Anime Genre tabs, so you may have to search by name. They are all on netflix, though, as of this post.

Off of Netflix I recommend Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Escaflowne, Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi Muyo, and Gundam Wing. I also hear Gantz is very good; dark and brutal like Elfen Leid, and with an amazing storyline, but I haven't actually seen it. A lot of people seem to like Ninja Scroll, but I haven't seen it yet, and it's not on Netflix.

My list of Anime to watch next is Blue Gender, Sekirei, Eden of the East, Darker than Black, Noein, and something else that I can't remember, in no particular order. Probably Eden of the East next. Unfortunately, my computer isn't working, and I have an xbox 360, so I can't browse using that or use the computer to go to an anime website. Netflix is all I can use. Sad day.

My favorite anime in order are probably Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Samurai 7, and Jyu-Oh-Sei, and Escaflowne, so far.

Just finished the show X. Biggest regret of my life. I would not suggest it to anyone. 1 star.
Elfen lied is my favorite by far (the only problem is that it has unimportant random nudity) otherwise it is amazing must watch
Here goes my best attempt of telling you all the awesome anime that is on netflix. Well all the ones that ive seen and consider worth watching. ill put a little * next to the ones that are my favorites.
D Gray-man
Kaze no stigma
Soul Eater
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple***
Clannad After Story*
Samurai Champloo****
Im sure that their are other awesome ones or ones that im forgetting about. I do wish that they would add the dubbed bleach and deathnote episodes.And I wish they had any form of the dragon ball series on their.
yup : /

So yeah, iv seen everything poor netflix has to offer in the anime section, and there are good one, but iv run out of anything to watch that isnt boring but the good ones are claymore, soul eater, corpse princess, spice and wolf, line barrel of iron, kazi no stigma, clanned: after story <(omg you will die inside if you watch this) ANGLE BEATS<(Awsome!) gunslinger girl, nabari no you (or something) elven lied < (tramatising for the weak of heart... and i lil disgusting, but good story), blood +, and a few more but thats about it, itl take you mabey a motnh and a half to watch them all if you no life allday every day. if you find anything i didnt mention please lemmy know
wow, everyone here is retarded. Mushi-shi is easily one of the best anime's on there, as well as fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, deathnote, Clannad, and angel beats. This is a REAL list of good animes, they don't all focus on being sexual they are meant for the great storyline, and beauty of the art which will be unmatched. I'm sure I missed a ton of really decently good anime's BTW Queen's blade was stupid and I couldn't even take the first minute of it I highly don't recommend that one.
Bleach, Shuffle Rosario+vampire Naruto, Ouran host club,Soul eater,Fruits basket, and Clannad and Clannad after series
I have watched all of these and they were great!
(Beside each show is a little description about each one.)

Soul Eater (Maka and the other students at the Death Weapon Meister Academy must kill 99 evil humans and one witch, absorbing their spirits when they die.)

Rosario + Vampire (When Tsukune accidentally enrolls in a school for monsters disguised as humans, he must hide the fact that he's really human or risk losing his life.)

Chobits (Hideki salvages a computer-human hybrid called a persecom only to discover that it may be the source of incredible powers)

High School of the Dead (After a virus turns the teachers and pupils of Fujimi High School into zombies, a group of surviving students arm themselves with an arsenal of homemade weapons in a bid to survive the undead menace that soon sweeps across the globe)

Shuffle! (Rin is an average high school kid who just happens to be the object of every girl's affections in this comic anime based on a video game.)

Girls Bravo (Thinking of girls makes Yukinari break out in hives, but he must overcome his phobia when he moves to a place that has women as its only residents. Besides, he seems to have grown infatuated with a girl named Miharu, whom he wants to bring back home.)

Murder Princess (After her father, the king of Forland, is assassinated during a coup d'état carried out by the diabolical Dr. Akamashi and his army of supernatural cyborgs, Princess Alita is forced to flee the kingdom and go into hiding.)
I have watched all of these and they were great!
(Beside each show is a little description about each one.)

Soul Eater (Maka and the other students at the Death Weapon Meister Academy must kill 99 evil humans and one witch, absorbing their spirits when they die.)

Rosario + Vampire (When Tsukune accidentally enrolls in a school for monsters disguised as humans, he must hide the fact that he's really human or risk losing his life.)

Chobits (Hideki salvages a computer-human hybrid called a persecom only to discover that it may be the source of incredible powers)

High School of the Dead (After a virus turns the teachers and pupils of Fujimi High School into zombies, a group of surviving students arm themselves with an arsenal of homemade weapons in a bid to survive the undead menace that soon sweeps across the globe)

Shuffle! (Rin is an average high school kid who just happens to be the object of every girl's affections in this comic anime based on a video game.)

Girls Bravo (Thinking of girls makes Yukinari break out in hives, but he must overcome his phobia when he moves to a place that has women as its only residents. Besides, he seems to have grown infatuated with a girl named Miharu, whom he wants to bring back home.)

Murder Princess (After her father, the king of Forland, is assassinated during a coup d'état carried out by the diabolical Dr. Akamashi and his army of supernatural cyborgs, Princess Alita is forced to flee the kingdom and go into hiding.)

I just watch Ouran Highschool host club. Omg it was so funny, and so good. Now i need something else to watch, perferrably something like this please. as you can see above what i have already watched is Soul Eater, Rosario + Vampire, Chobits, Highschool of the dead, Shuffle!, Girls bravo, and murder princess. Someone please help me okay. please!

I just watch fruits basket, and now i am watching Clannad. I loved Fruits basket, so far i really don't like Clannad. Now i need something else to watch, perferrably something like this please. as you can see above what i have already watched is Soul Eater, Rosario + Vampire, Chobits, Highschool of the dead, Shuffle!, Girls bravo, Ouran highschool host club, and murder princess. Someone please help me okay. please