Anyone for some humor from my husband? Friendly comments?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
My husband was a metal head in high school and is excited about National Metal Day today - so he wrote a poem ( his first or second?) and would like to share. Thank you.


The Darkness of chrome-plated pointy love
diesel forged in hairspray's fire,
snakeskin slithers wedged in the smokescreen.

D's are dropping, V's flown in
Marshall's are all stacked in preparation.
The metallic heads of the Motor State
gather at the cradle's edge.
Dark Lords disagree under the black wing
of marijuana glam.

Under blood red clouds,
Lords are chosen by hordes.
Aggregate of Rock soundchecks its underbelly.

The scene plays backwards again,
until the Dawn of Timeless Demise..
Mr. Bannibal my husband was especially tickled at your comment and likes your avatar as well.
Oh and I asked, What is Gee War? and he replied with a little smirk Gwhar.
I know of rock aggregate, however some of this stuff... well the spidy is not going there today, tell hubby that he should keep writing, there is always room for one more.
Hi sis. I'm already way happy. Kels turned 21 5 minutes ago.

I liked this, tell him a fun good job.

I do like some metal, and wonder does Kiss qualify?

Nice to see ya sharin. Hugs.
Eternal or universal transience is a nice way to end,

Off genre humor: People say that goth is dead and I laugh, it was always 'dead'.

Twas born dead and that is all it shall ever be - As all rivers flow unto the sea.
Be that, the only shadow which does not fade? As false foundations laid,
Within the sands of time - This crime, this most unjust travesty, that which should not be -
Life, eternal tragedy.
Oddly, my thousand plus CD collection is about 1/3rd metal and I didn't understand a thing in this, nor do I know what Gwar is.

Metal is like 100 different communities each of whom think they are the only one's.

I'm totally engrossed in Lulu right now, which probably aggravates even other Metallica fans, but when I want to live in the sentimental past I break out Carly Simon, not the Black Album.