Are there any organizations that focus on stopping the forcing of religion on people?


New member
Jan 6, 2011
This type of thing makes me sick to my stomach. Forcing a religion on a community. And if they admit that they don't believe in it, social consequences occur. This is the definition of evil. I was on my normal IRC channel and heard this story about a kid who's being forced into it, if he admits that he's an atheist, he will get his collage funds cut and he will be labeled an "undesirable" by the community which is controlled by the church. The situation is grim. I need to know if there is some way to help! I cannot stress how evil this is, I just cannot! Please! Tell me if there is a way to help out!
WOW who is this kid? what state and or country does he live in, I have never heard of such a thing here in America as to "force" someone into religion. What was the religion Buddhist, Wicca, Muslim, or Christian and what collage presuming it's a non religious one would do that. If he is getting a "religious" scholarship then saying he is non religious isn't that bilking the system he should go to a "non religious" collage.
Try the ASPCA.... the American Society for the Protection of Atheists. ... oh .... sorry... that's animals..... simple mistake. Sorry. Then the answer to your question is "no". Just as the answer to the question "do people force religions on people is also "no". Your friends is obviously seeking funds from a church sponsored source. Of course they would have restrictions. By taking those funds under false pretenses he is do nothing more that stealing.
Well, not really dedicated to it, but there is some ligislation. Where I live, public schools give the option to teach religion, but it must be chosen. Things like creation and intelligent design can't be taught, but there's nothing really stopping convertionist. It's one of the problems with free speech. You have to hear it, even if you don;t want to.

Someone on here once told me something I found hilarious: Religion is like a penis. Be happy you have, be proud of it, just don't shove it down childrens' throats :)
yes Y!A
we can destroy this evil religion by exposing the horror of their stories. their stories would not be permitted in a movie or computer game for kids.
this is a child protection issue.
this tyranny and the british monarchy use this child abuse to maintain their privilege.
out demons out! 911 was an inside job! revolution now!
ACLU (American Civil Liberty Union) and AU (Americas United for the Separation of Church and State)
What country or even better, world are you from? And what religion are you talking about. So far Islam is the only one that controls and kills.
To be fair, we should take a step back and look at this. Since it seems like people in this world are just looking for reasons to hate Christians.
Based on this, it sounds like you heard ONE example on a news source, which puts its own spin on things. In other words, it sounds like you didn't do very much research on this.
None the less, you could follow the resources given by other people or even visit the community yourself and try to make a difference.