Are you tired of people complaining about Vick?


New member
Sep 22, 2010
There are people in the NFL who have killed HUMAN beings, beaten their wives/girlfriends, put peoples lives in danger with guns and DWI...yet people complain about Vick who spent 2 years in prison for killing dogs. Do people really consider his crimes WORSE than those committed against humans?
No, I just kick a puppy every time they post. It's fun and funny. But seriously, I never pay attention to those PETA lovin' animal humpers.
I am tired of people complaining about Vick. Somebody should just kill the punk b i a t c h and then people wouldn't complain anymore.
I'm tired of people trying to create reasons to justify supporting Vick despite him doing something malicious and reprehensible just because he happens to be a good football player.

For the record I'm not one of those people who complains constantly about what Vick did years after the fact, but I certainly understand why some people do still complain about it.
I will start off by saying that animals are living things, and just because they're lower-tier than us in life, that doesn't mean they deserve to be treated differently. How would you like it if there were more intelligent life forms than us and we were treated worse than them? That's not right. I love animals and all of them deserve the same as us.

But yes, I am tired of people complaining about Vick. I have forgiven him and I like watching him on the football field. The Eagles fans should be happy that he's their starter and cheer for him, not complain about how upset they are that a dog fighter is on their team.
I complain about him for being a lousy QB.
You'll understand better when you get older and get to know a little bit about football.
yes there are morons who love dogs way too much
seriously, 2 years is too much

OJ simpson got of free...
Yea i am. shut the fuck up PETA seriously go after the shampoo companies who torture animals or go to the cow factories and sacrifice urselves if u think animals are so special. seriosuly
First to Kate G.....your name represents someone that sucks themselves fame and fortune by pooping out some kids thats ridiculous...2nd Vick IS a good qb...not great perhaps but good...not lousy....if he were and that was how it happened you would be playing as a qb. Running is part of the game...get over it.

Now, yes...i am tired of people complaining. He has been very good the past 6 quarters and all people continue to talk about is the dogs...the jokes and pokes are pathetic. Every saint has a past every sinner has a future.....they should let it rest.