ASAP! help comparing car stereos-sale ends 2day- re rms & peak wattage &


Jun 3, 2008
how much i need? i'm poor. i (literally) have a broken neck. i'm stuck at home & cannot use the pc too much. i'm tryng to decide between this:… and this:… . want SD and USB inputs and high enough wattage. note wattage on bravo and RMS. i have an older car, not worth money for more. i have no info on my speakers other than that one is blown. i cannot get the info, as a friend got and installed them for me years ago. i am stuck inside until surgery can be done, so i cannot LOOK at the speakers for info. i'm sure theyre cheap. i'm a rocker. i (mentally) bang my head :) i need volume and clarity. note the cons of the boss. note no reviews (on that site) for the bravo.. boss seems to have some major issues...yet got 4/5 stars? boss doesnt list RMS. says total watts 50x4 = 200w. bravo lists RMS 20w, 40w x4 peak.

1. how do i know what a good amount of wattage is for my little car (small 2000 saturn SL)?
2. would i notice a diff between 160 and 200w?
3. what would a minimum wattage for a small car be for loud music?
4. if RMS is only 20w, that seems very small...? does it mean 20w x 4 so 80w? or just 20w total?
5. if the RMS is the constant wattage and i listen to everything loud then... it doesnt use more wattage for higher volume? or...? what is "constant" wattage? does it have to do w/ how loud your radio is playing? i'd love to peak that baby out all the time! not sure i understand the rms constant wattage part vr the peak wattage?

sorry for the multiple q's under one topic, but all related! need someone that knows this stuff and no rude a$$holes please. go be rude somewhere else. thanks to all the kind folk who answer this one! :)