Atheists: Why did no “other god” accurately predict and fulfill the prophecy


New member
Dec 16, 2010
against the ancient city of Tyre? Only the God of the Bible knows the future. Are you unaware of the facts of history? Tyre was destroyed exactly in the manner God told Ezekiel (Chapter 26) 2,600 years ago how it would happen. It is further proof the God of the Bible exists and He alone is God, there is no other.
Why not confess your sins to God, truly sorry for offending His love for you, and ask His forgiveness? He will! Turn from your sins and turn *to* God, proving your repentance is real, in faith trusting Jesus took the punishment on a cross your sins deserved. He delights in forgiving all who ask, as often as they ask, even empowering you with His Holy Spirit to do what He commands. Otherwise, if you lose eternal life, it will have been by your own choosing. He made the way for your sins to be forgiven.