Baby Monitor Handheld and Screen?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
well im looking for a baby monitor that has a screen and has a hand held monitor like this thing is i need one that i could add another camera... is that one able to have more than one camera? or is there another one like this package that is capable of having two camera
Not sure what this one does. I purchased a video baby monitor and it was the worst thing ever. After that I just got a regular security camera that mounts and is wireless and has a box that is plugged into the tv. You can add more camera's and tv boxes to more than one tv in the house and these are a whole lot better quality and if you look around you can find one that is cheaper than the baby ones also.
Hi, i had a summer one with two cameras and it was great. Check this one out I think it is the same one, but it does say that you can attach an additional one but you have to buy it for $69. make sure that the one you buy will have ports for 2 or more cameras because many of them don't. I saw this too and I think it is awesome!!

We did use the summer ones with both of our children and they are great...when they work!! We had to have the company send us at least 3 replacements over 2 years. They were great at sending a replacement one fast though. Good customer service, and this is a different model than the one we had.
