Blue Ray is so over hyped, there is hardly any difference between blue ray


May 13, 2008
and standard DVDs.? Blue Ray is so over hyped, there is hardly any difference between blue ray and standard DVDs. Yet people are still stupid enough to buy them. Also HD films on tv, there is hardly any difference. The only noticeable difference with HD is watching football. Maybe I need to go to specsavers.
If you can't tell the difference then you may have poor eyesight, or most likely a poor TV. If your TV has limited resolution then it cannot output the extra information.

That aside, blu ray is undeniably better, it stores more information, not just for picture but sound too (whether you can tell the difference or not). So Blu Ray will be the new standard, prices will drop and it will slowly replace the DVD, just like the DVD replaced the VHS. Remember when DVDs came out? They were about £20 a pop too. i'm sure VHS replaced something else before that too....
Blu Ray is superior to regular dvds. Its not only better visually, but the sound is a lot better. Not to mention, the special features on blu ray discs are so much greater than the regular dvd. The best sport to watch in Hd is hockey - its amazing

@Ball 5 - huh? what are you talking about?
I agree and I don't understand the point of the Blu-Ray/DVD packs either 'cause you are just getting the same movie twice and there are no bonus features either.
blu ray is much clearer than DVD if you can't see it then either your tv is crap or your eyesight is .
you might have it set up wrong