Bush Attacked


Apr 11, 2008
I think this guy forgot to pack the explosives in his shoe.

The man can definitely duck. He's probably practiced on hunting trips with Dick Cheney.
Hmm, ducking his national service

ducking taking responsibility for lying about the war

ducking his epic fails on environmental issues

ducking his responsibility to the nation over his corporate chums...

sure can duck!
I was thinking of posting something like this:
YouTube - Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoes At Bush - Bush Gets The Boot
I'm very impressed with Bush's security actually. To have the foresight to embed a Secret Service agent undercover as a journalist and place him near enough to the shoe-thrower (who was surely on the CIA's suspected shoe-thrower list beforehand anyway) to take him down after he had only the time to unleash two projectile attacks against the President (it could have been three! It could have been four!), well that's eliteness to the extreme. I think we can put the SAS vs SEALs argument to rest at last, we all now know who are the greatest.
I hate the guy, but still... thats the leader of my country. As sad as that statement is, it doesnt negate the fact that this buttmonkey threw his shoes at him. Screw that guy.

I heard Iraqi journalists are "demanding" the release of the prisoner because he was using his "new" "democratic" "freedom of speech". I dont think they quite get how that works yet... Here in America, assault on the President is a felony.

You cant throw projectiles at the leader of a nation, call it freedom of speech, and expect not to get in trouble... retards.

On the other hand, Bush's reaction about it was even better:

"It doesn't bother me. If you want the facts, it was a size 10 shoe that he threw".

Playing down the incident, the president later added: "I don't know what the guy's cause is... I didn't feel the least bit threatened by it."


I wonder where this guys new found courage came from? Hmmmmmmmmm? Wonder if he tried doing that with Sadaam around?
I thought it was funny!

Bush said "Im not insulted - he just wanted to get on TV, i dont know what his beef is?" lol
SAS and bush? ok!!

Two SAS bodyguards and Bush were capture by the taliban and stood in front of a firing squad.
Just as they were about to fire one SAS trooper cried earthquake!!! When the taliban panicked he slipped away.
Then the other SAS guy yelled tsunami while the taliban were distracted he said to Bush natural disasters panick terrorist then he made his escape.
The taliban raised their rifles again and Bush yelled FIRE!!!

regards koyo
Bush deserves far worse than to have a pair of shoes thrown at him. They'll release the journalist without charge (if they haven't already), this guy did what the majority of Iraqi's wish they could do. Although you got to say, the secret service did a real nice job, just the kind of super fast reactions you want in a protection team.
George Bush and Tony Blair should be marched into the Hague and tried for war crimes. They declared war on a nation with absolutely zero provocation, reduced it to a hell hole and called it progress.

There have been so many reasons put forward for the war in Iraq I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get the same answer twice if you asked a dozen folk at random. The fact that Bush should claim he didn't know what the guys "beef" was is testimony to his total ignorance of politics in the Middle East and his sheer arrogance and disregard for all of the Iraqis that had to die just so he could play the war time president.
No he'll be stripped, photographed and humiliated by American troops before being flow to Guantanamo bay to be tortured by the CIA and forced to sign a confession extracted by means of simulated drowning before being tried by a hung jury in a military court as an "enemy combatant".

The sooner Bush and his cronies leave office the better.
Im no Bush/Blair supporter, and im a big critic of most "leaders". But im sure they had their reasons for war and i think over time they will become more clear, but no less awful btw (apart from the oil wars). Perhaps in the next 10 years, or perhaps 100 years or more but one day i feel most of history will have to be re-written.