Can some one post the difference between atheist and agnostic beliefs for...


New member
Oct 8, 2010
...the christians please? I am sure that they are confused by thinking any one who doesn't believe in god is an atheist, and simply not aware that agnostic thoughts are what they actually referring to when they say "if this, then that". Those who are atheist in my opinion are those who don't care one way or the other and the point is moot, on the other hand those who say things like there is no proof of a god therefore I do not believe fall under the agnostic category as they are rationalizing a theoretical argument. It is my understanding that an agnostic does not believe because of lack of proof and if there was proof they could be led to believe. Is that right?
4nick, that doesnt seem right. using that premise if I claim to know god I would be an agnostic right?