Christians, why are there so many selfish, uncaring people in this world?? And


New member
Nov 2, 2011
what is the solution for them?
Helloyou, I appreciate your answer but since I was raised Christian and have sturggled with these theachings, I want their answers... without being called a troll wna banned from a chat room or Yahoo group. I have actually thought about walking into a church and saying this. Once when I was 19, the youth pastor yelled at me and told me to never come back because I compared the bible to Mein Kamph.

It seems I was pretty bright at 19. But I'm not sure how much wiser I have gotten since then. :p The world is full of imcompassionate people and I would live th opportunity for God to take me back to when I was 4 with all my current knowledge and memories intact, so that I can prevent all the terrible things from happening.

Please note. You may say this is a wall of text. You don't have to read it. You may say that this is nothing but drama. Again, you don't have to read it. I want answers from Christians to put together to form some kind of solution with my limited in
Lestat, please help me understand why God doesn't make them caring. I have no friends. My family does not seem to love me at all and I had a baby by an abusive but rich man. I want so badly to have a better life but cannot afford an attorney that will give me more than supervised visits. And yes, the man/woman with with the most $$$$ wins in court, sadly. Again, the world is filled with selfish, uncaring people who turn a blind eye to the suffering. And yes, I cry for them too. And so I should.
"please help me understand why God doesn't make them caring."

Ok now that you ask.

God doesn't make people change because to do so would violate His Doctrine of Free Will.

But God does change people who ask Him to.

I am Exhibit A for this miracle.

I used to be one of the most cruel,callous,selfish,uncaring Republicans you have ever met.:p

Then I learned that in order to obtain salvation we must ask the Holy Spirit to indwell in us.:close look:

When I received what is called the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit",WHAM an instant transplant of love,compassion and tolerance!:applause: