Did "The Bible" on the History Channel make Christianity look like a sci-fi


May 13, 2008
mythology story? Like it really is?
Hey Oblivion, too bad it was made by a religious Christian man director. Shoots down your lil theory there, doesn't it?
I didn't see it, but if it did, then it's because the History Channel couldn't help itself. All religions originate from myths, tall stories, and fairy tales.
I turned it off after about fifteen minutes. Literal interpretation of the Bible just will not hunt.

At. All.

I have not seen that particular show on the History channel, but I already know what their motivation is for doing a show on the Bible: they want to put out an interesting story that will attract the most viewers, which helps them to make as much money as possible. The History channel is basically all about "selling entertainment" under the disguise of "learning while you watch TV."

They are probably more concerned with telling a good "story" than they are concerned with accuracy and respect to the subject matter they are dealing with. In fact, they like a little bit of "controversy." Anything to get people talking about their show, get people emotionally invested in one side of an argument or another. Telling Christians that their religion is mostly based on "mythology" and things that are not real - that's a perfect way for them to get a lot of people upset and talking about their show.

Don't believe everything you hear on TV. They will claim to be "experts" on everything they talk about - but there are a lot of "experts" out there, with a lot of different opinions on things, and they don't all agree with the same point of view.

The best thing to do is to study an issue for yourself, get information from several different perspectives, and then use your own mind and good sense to come up with your own ideas and beliefs about it. Only you can decide what something means to you. You can choose to base your ideas and beliefs on what other people tell you, you can listen to your parents, your friends, and your teachers - but you can also study things for yourself, and figure out what makes the most sense to you.
Yes it did, and it was very accurate, because the Bible is mythology and will soon be laughed at and thought of as absurd, just like the Greek belief in Zeus.
Of course they want to make the Bible look like a fairytale. They want to promote their own religion in Evolution. The bible isnt a story, it is a book filled with entries of real people that wrote of their experiences
The new word for such nonsense is Fantasy Fiction... or Fan-Fi...
Cos everyone know bibel doesn't have any Science in it, a?

“How could the biblical authors, who were said to have been so close to God and what he knew, have been so ignorant.”

“Just think how insightful a book that actually came from a Creator would be...
Beautiful mathematics, comprehensive laws of physics, clear biology, consistent morality and ethics among other gems.

Instead we get a bizarre book on talking snakes, burning bushes, slaves, neolithic philosophy and a strange preoccupation with everyone's sex life”.

Quite frankly, if you need the carrot and stick idea of heaven and hell to behave, then you're not a moral person at all; you're a sociopath leashed by fear and self-interest.
in my (no so) humble opinion : the old movies and TV shows reduce whatever moral teaching may be in the bible to a "superman movie"
I saw a bit and it twists and distorts the bible stories

it is entertainment and as much like religion as TV wrestling is like a sport
There is no way to turn the Bible into a movie without making it look silly. I started laughing almost immediately from the opening scene. I will not watch future episodes. Where were the dinosaurs on the Ark?
all sacred texts are a curse that lies on the ground and fly away!

Zaccaria 5:1 Again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, a flying scroll!
Zaccaria 5:2 And he said to me, "What do you see?" I answered, "I see a flying scroll; its length is twenty cubits, and its breadth ten cubits."
Zaccaria 5:3 Then he said to me, "This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land; for every one who steals shall be cut off henceforth according to it, and every one who swears falsely shall be cut off henceforth according to it.

is normal

on Italian Bible is written

Zechariah 5:03 He said, "This is the curse that spreads over all the earth: every thief will be cast out of here like that roll, every perjury will be cast out of here like that roll.