Does anyone agree that Christianity is too diverse to be a group of religions?


Active member
May 13, 2008
To define my question, I think that Christianity has become too diverse to have all of the religios clumped into one. Just wondering if anyone agrees
That is why the are a diverse religious group of christians. They only have to believe that Jesus is god. Muslims, jews, JW, Mormons, christian scientist, scientology not included.
I feel the opposite. Christianity has so many clumps that you can't tell who is preaching the right Jesus. Jesus never intended the church to be so multi - opinionated where no one knows which group of Christians is sharing the real gospel.
As long as we all believe in Jesus, that he died and rose from the dead to save us, that we believe through him in God and want to do his will, then we should be called Christians. But ultimately God is the judge.
I don't even know my own name, let alone the answer to this question. Who am I, what am I doing here? Who are you?

Whoa, I got my name back!
Couldn't agree more. The fringe Christian groups, fundamentalists, and evangelicals, preach a religion that bears no resemblence to the love and acceptance taught by Christ, and the early Church. About the only Christian denominations that truly follow the early Christian churches are the Orthodox Churches and the Coptic Church. These groups are closest to the teachings and rituals of the early Christians.