Does Hollywood make people go crazy or it is the people?


May 24, 2008
I know this is a really silly example of the celebrity I have chosen but I was watching Amanda Bynes THS. Where she has informed everyone she wants retired acting, QUIT Hollywood and desires to become a fashion designer. She has also previously stated that wants everyone to respect her privacy and let her move on.

However she still seems to be bothered, I am aware that she is well known actress who has grown up in the public eye but she is entitled to her choice, she wants to quit fame. So this raises the question does this mean Hollywood is crazy or is Amanda crazy?

I person think its Hollywood
Oh yes it is hollywood.what people dont see is hollywood is a very nice place but its has a darK side.its very hard to be an celebrity you go thru alot.dilling with what people are saying about you wether its true or not,seeing your self on tv magazine's,people in your everyday business,and having to keep up with there body because if they gain 1 2 3 pounds they get made fun of and thats hard so they turn to the dark side of hollywood like using drugs drinking all the time,acting out of control and yes hollywood makes most of not all celebs but some act out.