Expected level of fitness British Army Officer?


New member
Jun 15, 2010
I know from the website that they say 44 pressups and 50 sit ups in 2 minutes, but what would you say the amount they are looking for, to make you stand out? Also for the paras what amount is needed?
Sebbo firstly good luck..now hope i can be of help. I was in the army for 13 years 8 of which was for the Coldstream Guards. in the gym test and running test you do , i cant remember the name of it you should be and should aim for at least! 70 plus press ups and 90 to a 100 sit ups have a mate hold your ankles when doing this is how you do it in the test. in the run the max time for a mile and a half is 10:30 mins which is a pass but a poor one you should be aiming for 9:30 mins is achievable and would be a good pass for the Para's and is the minimum for the PTI corp, there is a book in W.H.Smith's covering all aspects of this. I was a fit lad back then and did the above and flew through the tsts with a good pass, with the dip's you should aim for at least 15 and the pull up's the same if not a few more.

secondly as an officer you have to prove you can do it if you can do it your men wont look up to you.
go running with 38lb's in a daysack pack it properly... and build up to two miles you have to do a two miler with full kit plus 38lb's in 18 mins and its chuffing hard... good luck
Hi there.
The website is for entry to basic training, once they get hold of you they will make you SO FIT you won't believe it - the fittest group of men in the world.
You cannot apply to officer the paras, you will be recommended - if you are good enough. And you have better be outstanding!
Good luck, Steve.