Fast-Food restaurants in France are now selling only Halal food. Will the...


May 12, 2008
...UK ever adopt such an approch? Muslims are being discrimated against all over the West, making it harder to get food. You will find sales have actually increased, showing how many people are converting to Islam all the time. Fastest growing religion in the World.
It's certainly not been my experience. France is famed for its charcuterie and there's no way of making that halal. Perhaps MacDonalds uses halal gristle in its burgers, but few French people would eat it.
The UK should never adopt a means to killing animals that is considered Halal, The UK has laws that prohibit killing animals without stunning them first so they don't suffer too much.

Besides which in Islamic law if there is no alternative than eating non Halal food they can do so.

Surah 2:173 states:
If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin in him. Indeed, Allah is forgiving, merciful
fastest growing IN AFRICA

i highly doubt they have an abundance of food let alone Halal food.

"Muslims are being discrimated against all over the West, making it harder to get food."
then dont eat meat.
Hi there.
No, the UK has animal welfare standards.
Halal is medieval and cruel, Muslims should redefine what halal means to end the needless suffering of the animals put to a very unpleasant death.
There is plenty of food in the west, we have developed science in farming to achieve this, as opposed to farming land to death then calling it the will of God.
Cheers, Steve.
A lot of food here is actually halal anyway without being labelled as such because the quantity of meat which is halal is larger than the market for it, so for all we know this may already be true. However, you may want to consider the reason for that, because that implies that demand is relatively low.
why would you want the non muslims people to conform to your stupid doctrines... practice your beliefs and leave anyone else in peace