Fellow bikers: Don't you hate it when people argue about starting on a small bike?

Jul 5, 2010
I was in class one day, and we got on the topic of motorcycles. I've been riding for a while now, and when one of the students was talking about getting a bike, I decided to help give tips and suggestions. She started saying that she was gonna get a huge racing bike (forgot what it was by now). I told her to start small, and she got all upset with me, acting like she was better than me, and then she started saying she was a better biker than me because her boyfriend let her ride his 650 a couple times. After bickering back and forth for ages, I gave up and let her keep on with the belief that she is gonna get on a racing bike and not drop it or wreck it once.

Why do people get so mad when you look after their safety like that? Wouldn't you figure a beginner would want to know as much as they could from someone who has experience?