Fitness Protein Shake Question?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
I started p90x a week ago and I am taking one protein shake before the workout (1 hour before) and one after (within 30 minutes). I dont want to waste my money on the recovery drink so I just take protein. Soon I will be doing swimming and weightlifting. This will be my schedule :

1. Protein Shake Before p90x
3.protein shake
(Notice I will give myself a 3-4 hour break)
4.? - Do I need a protein shake before weightlifting?
5.Weight lifting -(30-45 min)
6.Swimming Laps (30 min)
7.Protein Shake?

So i was wondering do I need to take a protein shake before, after or both times after my weightlifting/swimming.
It's sorta like doubles for me but Its customized. I talked to a fitness instructor and he said lifting weights & swimming is a good combination
you only need one good workout per day besides if you work out like this all your muscles will b e sore so that means no workout for tomorrow

i don't drink protein before a workout maybe some eggs