Girls Only: Why would a girl like her give me her cell phone number only to end


New member
May 14, 2013
up ignoring me? I asked a girl for her cell phone number.
She gave me her cell phone number while she had a boyfriend.
She ended up breaking up with her boyfriend sometime after she gave me her cell phone number.
She told me that she "loves text messaging" and that I wouldn't be bothering her.
She told me to call her or text her anytime and also told me, "You better contact me."
I would contact her every week but not everyday.
I'd go some days not text messaging her like 4 to 7 days.
I'd always say something nice about her and I would just ask her how she is or what she's up to.
I never said anything dirty to her and gave her attitude.
I kept in touch with this girl through texts/calls for a month and 2 weeks, then she just completely stops getting back to me.
I can't say that she led me on because she didn't hint on me asking her out or ask me when I'm free to hang out (yeah I get that it's the guy who is suppose to ask a girl out).
She's told me that I'm awesome and very sweet.
I just don't get why bother to give me her number if she was going to ignore me completely.

I did stop contacting her and even deleted her cell phone number from my cell phone.
well coming from a girl not all girls are the same haha so maybe this girl was hinting you but you didn't get it , or maybe she just got busy and found someone or got back with her bf again, either way try contacting her once more and see where it goes if all fails i say you just forget it because i highley doubt she will get back to you if she does so happen to do so she might not do it frequently like she used to. my bet is you move forward an just forget about it , becaused girls WILL change their mind if the guy isn't getting it.
First off, girls are dumb. I am one, I would know! To me, it sounds like she was somewhat interested, but she either started talking to another guy she is more interested in or is talking with her ex.

But honestly, would you want to be with a girl who just dropped you like that? If the girl genuinely likes you, she will want to talk to you, and get excited every time she sees that you text her.

I hope you have better luck finding a nicer girl! :)