Hello its me again. Need advice on buying a used bike! help plz?


New member
Mar 13, 2011
Hello guys. Sorry for asking so many questions but I want to know your opinions on which bike to get. First choice is a Honda 919. A 2002 with 9k miles for $2800! just out on clubman bars and it would be a dream bike! Only problem is that the fairings are yellow and the tank is painted. I am suspecting that the bike was crashed or something! the 919 never came in yellow. Here is the link btw. The owner emailed me saying it was already painted by the first owner. http://slo.craigslist.org/mcy/2253773767.html....my second choice is a 2005 GSXR 600 with 25k miles. Everything is perfect! no scratches and good fairings, but the engine was replaced. The current owner said that the first owner blew up the engine so he bought a new engine off ebay and installed it. The guy claims it runs perfect because he used it a lot on track. He sent me a video of him doing a wheelie which I know is not a good sign however he would let me test ride. Please let me know your opinions. Thanks.