Heres A riddle for simple it took me 10 seconds to figure out...can you?


New member
Mar 27, 2009
your in a room with 2 doors. Both doors are guarded. One of the doors will lead 2 death, the other 2 freedom. Now one of the guards will always lie. And the other will always tell the truth. Wat question will you ask which guard 2 find out how you can make it out alive? Have fun.
ask "what will your companion say if I asked him 'which door led to freedom?'"? to any guard, then take the opposite door
Since you said which guard i would ask a question to, i would as the truthful guard to which door i should take.

"Wat question will you ask which guard 2 find out how you can make it out alive? Have fun."

This is what you said
ask one of the guards what the other guard would say if it was asked what door was safe then go through the opposite door.
I will ask them both the same questions:
1) What color is my shirt? to the guard that lies. Let's say if my shirt was pink or blue, and he says orange or green, I will know he lies. So...
2) I will ask the guard that lies what is behind that door, and if he says: Freedom...
3) I will go to the guard that tells the truth and ask him to open the door, and I am free! :D
ask them with the question, "what would the other guard say?"

the guard who lies would tell that the other guard will say for instance, door A is the way to freedom. the guard who tells the truth would say the same thing. thus, you take the other door.
ask them which door leads to freedom they will both say the same thing since one is lying and one telling the truth it only toke me 4 seconds to figure it out
I would ask each guard would they kill themselves and which ever guard says no I would take his door
1.ask the guard "if I were to go into this door would you say that it leads to freedom?"
2. Open one of the doors and push the guard in first see if he