How awkward should i feel (My brother and his GF PDA's)?


New member
May 7, 2010
Ok so my brother hangs out in my room alot (only like a 12 x 12 ft room(tiny)) and some times he has his girlfriend over, and some times they start making out... Some times it will be just a kiss, but other times it gets to the point of "making out kissing" neck kissing, and groping (and almost dry humping)... while I am sitting within 2-3 feet of them. And they have a room they can go in, which they do go into, but i feel they are using my room as four play then only leave when they want to have sex. Personally if i had to rate from 1 out of 10 i would give it a 10 for awkwardness. Am I right to feel that awkward? or are they in the wrong? How would you feel?
Thats messed up... hes my brother.. Anyway shes fat
LOL, you think I want to join them? hell no, tbh shes not even really very pretty
they don't have sex in my room, but everything else mentioned. and i'm 18
debd, yes hes older. Good idea with the water lol. I know i am an adult, but starting drama is not smart in my particular family situation
Yes you are right to feel awkward. They are doing private things in your own personal space. I would ask them to leave or just lock my door when they come over.
1. how old are you
2. why doesn't he do this in his OWN room? it's kind of gross if they are doing that on your bed.
Awkward too.. Tell your brother to just start off in the other room (awkward to tell, but it'd pay off in the end since you wouldn't be sitting there awkwardly listening to them kiss). Or if you don't want to do that, you can go into another room.
That is SO rude! THEY should be the ones to feel awkward, not you.

You have a couple of ways to play this depending on how "hard core" you want to be about this.

1) Catch your brother when he's alone and tell him that make-out sessions are NOT a spectator sport. Tell him anything more than hand-holding ought be done in PRIVATE.

2) If he doesn't respect your wishes, tell him he needs an invitation to enter your room and then put a lock on your door. Keep it locked even if you're in there.

3) If he seems confused about why you're locking him out, tell him it's because it's YOUR room and you have control over what goes on in it. If he can't respect your rules and your feelings then he doesn't get to be in there anymore.

P.S. Your brother sounds a bit like a sexual predator. It sounds like not only does he get off on having an audience, he REALLY gets off when that audience is an unwilling one. Not only is this awkward, it's not normal when he has his OWN room.
First of all, you mean "foreplay" not "four play". It means what happens be"fore" the act.

You are right to feel awkward. Ask your brother to cut it out.
you shudnt feel awkward this happens a lot where i come from. its a natural and beautiful thing. if u want to, join them.