How can I get a new phone after only 15 months into a 3 year term? (Bell)?


New member
Sep 1, 2009
I have a Blackberry Torch with Bell and I'm locked into a year contract (no big deal, I've had no problems with them) But I want to know.... Is there any way to get a new phone or "upgrade" to a new phone without paying the full price which seems to be over $600 for most other phones??? I want either an iPhone or an Android.. I'm sick of Blackberry and I hear they're going under within the next few years. Plus, I have phone lust and this is the longest I've ever gone without buying a new phone! (I use to be able to get them FULL PRICE for under $100 usually at Wal Mart)
Anyways, if anyone knows let me know! Thanks!!!
I'm not sure I'm more than 15 months into a 2 year sprint contract and they wont let me get a new phone. I'm guessing next time you sign a contract they'll give you a new phone.