How can I get my Mom to stop bugging me about religion?


Jun 2, 2008
Every time I see my Mom, especially around the holidays, she seems to feel the need to preach at me! She has gone so far as to ask me if I even believe in God anymore. Quite honestly, I do not think that it is any of her business. I love my Mom, but her constant questioning of my beliefs is getting really irritating!
How can I get her to stop bugging me about religion?
How old are you?You seem to be an independent person.It may be time for a more direct approach.As close to stfu as necessary and acceptable for you and Mom.Don't see her as often and when she starts in on religion-Bye Mom.

On a side note:she is your mother and loves you.But still she's got to lay off.
I understand how you feel.
Say something along the lines of "Mom, my religious views are for my benefit. You believe what you want, and I'll do the same. Please stop bothering me- you're preaching will only irritate me rather than convert me."
The day is coming when she has passed away and you are reminiscing about your memories of her and missing her that you will wish she was back with you for 5 minutes, just 5 so you could hug & hold her and not even be bothered that she is talking religion. So is it really all that? Own your truths and lovingly say "mom I know religion is important to you and you want me to embrace it as much as you do but, I love you too much to hurt your feelings by telling you that my journey is not the same as yours right now... so for now can we talk about other things"?
The best way to get her to stop "bugging" you about religion is to invite her to sit down with you and have a heart to heart conversation about what you believe and why you believe it.
Act like a mature, responsible adult. Be patient with her, respect her, ask her questions about what she believes and why she believes it. Without even knowing what it is that your Mom believes, (or for that matter, what it is that you believe)I feel confident that you have nothing to lose by having this conversation with her.

Who knows, perhaps it is you that has a grasp on the truth; (ie: that Jesus Christ is Lord) and you would be able to reach her with that truth, bring her to repentance for her sin, and keep her soul out of hell for all eternity.

I suspect that the reason that she keeps "bugging" you is because you are her child, and apparently she has an invested interest in where you spend eternity. It is the most important decision that you will ever make, and you never know when your last chance to make that decision will be.