How can i really make hr smile or give her butterflies when i greet her over a text?


Mar 15, 2008
So I like this girl and I think she might like me idk yet haha but I haven't texted her at all today and I want to. I can easily just text her saying "Hey" or "Hi" but hats too easy and makes me think im lazy. I wanna say something to make her think about me and smile or get butterflies. I was thinking something like "Hey Beautiful" or something but thn again I also don't wanna come off to strong. if that makes sense. So basically I don't wanna come off as taking the easy way or coming off too strong. So mainly girls can you plz tell me what I should text her? We also have been talking for two weeks in person sometimes and texted for about the same time... but the thing is we txt and talk li9ke we have known each other for a while like we always joke and make fun of each other (playfully of course) and we haven't ever had a down moment. so once again girls plz tell me what I should text her
This might work.
Her: Stop what?
You: Stop smiling and thinking about me, see your doing it right now!