How come black people constantly complain about slavery?


May 22, 2008
Ok the holocaust happened in the 1900's and the Jews aren't robbing liquor stores and taking tax payers money how come slavery witch in fact had nothing to do with race, was not nearly as horrific as the holocaust and happened longer ago. In addition to all that if there was never slavery they would still be in a 3rd world country. I know not all black people are like that I'm just saying the majority.
This isn't the 50's no ones holding the black man down except maybe in the hick states, I'm white and I never stopped a black person from succeeding, I was never a slave owner and they were never a slave. In fact the law gives black people more rights than white people, there has to be at least cretin amount if black people in every job but there can be 0 white people .

Also when white people say white power it's racist even though they are not saying other races don't have power they are just saying they are proud to be white, but when a black guy says black power its all good.

Wake up white people are the victims, black are now doing a new type of flash mob were instead of dancing like flash mobs originally were they are beating up random white people.
well i see you focus on what you want instead getting the full facts but actually they don't complain that much if anything its the silliness that go on now towards blacks
because the same conspirators who instigated the African Slave Trade have been oppressing, using, abusing & torturing blacks ever since. Racial-supremacy is rooted in occultism.
Isn't that being racist... I'm half black... I don't even talk about it and I'm a nice person...