How come every time I eat at taco bell, 2 hours later my toilet is a war zone?


New member
Oct 1, 2011
How do I prevent this, I love tacos but I hate the explosive diarrhea. When I say explosive I mean it literally.
Here is my opinion. It's could be the ingredients inside the food from Taco Bell. I would rather make home made mexican food than Taco Bell. It is probably safer making mexican food at home.
Fast food restaurants are notorious for bad food handling. Dropping it on the floor, mouse feces present in the food....employees not washing their hands....or wearing their gloves....etc. I used to run one, it is impossible to get the kids that work there to do it right. IF you will notice...almost ALL FF places are run by kids. They do not have a clue about clean food, and proper handling....temperatures etc........I would say your intestines could not handle what was put in them. If you only knew.

NO ONE would eat at FF if they only knew.
Call the health dept and tell them what happens. Obvious some bad doing on employees part!
Or its your body digestive track. Beans/onions/spices.
It's probably all the fat in the meat. Taco Bell seems to be getting worse and worse for the ingredient quality, while raising their prices. :(

For a test, try making tacos at home, using lean hamburger. Pour some water into the meat while it's cooking then drain it off so the fat goes with it. I'll bet there will be peace in your bathroom. If so, try to find another taco source besides The Bell. If you still have the screaming mimi's you may be sensitive to 1 or more of the spices (chili, cumin, garlic).
its the spices, the actual ingredients, this is actually a very common thing after eating taco bell its normal consider it a clean out its not so harmful just annoying no worries. the tacos is probably the meat maybe you have a sensitive stomach... alot of people do but it doesn't stop them from enjoying those delicious diarrhea inducing tacos... :D
Perhaps you should stay away from taco bell lol, go to the super market and buy all the fixings and make your own. Your toilet and back side will appreiate that.