How do I burn a torrent copied movie onto DVD?


New member
Jul 9, 2010
i used windows movie maker, and it didn't work.

The playback on my dvd player had a giant green line through the video.

Any tips?
If you are looking for "How to Convert/burn Torrent Movies to DVD" tutorial, you could refer to:
Well, I had a full answer, but I am against people learning more about torrents, the more people that know, the more the DRM holders get more pissed, they are already trying to shut down piratebay, isohunt, and other illegal websites.

Although not that I think about it, I do want to piss them off.

You have to download software, or just simply drag and drop, if your dvd player, or ps3/xbox360 supports it (consoles do) and most dvd players do, worth a try... '

just drag and drop the avi file onto it.