How do most guys feel about female bi-sexuality?


May 15, 2008
i'm bi-sexual
i officially know this, and personally i am very comfortable with it
I've told my close friends and they're all completely fine with it. I'm not worried about telling girls, because i know that i can explain it to them, but i'm worried about telling guys because they probably won't sit long enough or take it serious enough for me to really explain. I just want to know what most guys think about a girl who's bisexual.

All the guys that know me think that its "hot" and they constantly asked me "How I turned that way". Its amusing really.
My question is "Why aren't people more accepting of watching 2 guys make out?" Isn't that the same as watching two females make out, except well what we're talking about are males (you know, guys with the penises)?
Most straight guys think it's sexy. I told a guy friend of mine when we were in HS, and I went instantly from being a friend to being a sexual object with no intellectual or emotional value.

Most of my guys took it better than that, but there will always be the shallow losers like that.
A lot of guys think it's hot because they think, "Oh, my girlfriend is bi, she'll definitely say yes if I ask her for a threesome."

But, that's not always the case.
I really, really don't care about it, and don't want to know about it, thank you very much. Could we change the subject?
Well, I know that there are some really stupid guys out there. That's just human nature though because there are some really stupid girls out there too! It depends on the guy. Some will be very mature about it and accept it. Others will just ask you if you can make out with a girl in front of them. That's life. Chances are, you don't want to be near the second guy anyway!
Well, I know that there are some really stupid guys out there. That's just human nature though because there are some really stupid girls out there too! It depends on the guy. Some will be very mature about it and accept it. Others will just ask you if you can make out with a girl in front of them. That's life. Chances are, you don't want to be near the second guy anyway!
Well, I know that there are some really stupid guys out there. That's just human nature though because there are some really stupid girls out there too! It depends on the guy. Some will be very mature about it and accept it. Others will just ask you if you can make out with a girl in front of them. That's life. Chances are, you don't want to be near the second guy anyway!