how do people become famous?


May 18, 2008
How do people actually start their career? like it seems most people dont even have to finish school to become an actor or singer. like iggy azalea moved from australia to america by herself at the age of 16 and got a record deal, but how did she do it? they make it seem so easy.. i just want to know how do you start your career, acting and singing is something i want to do when im older but i dont know if i should go to university/college to get a degree for it, or just get an agency and see what happens from there. does anyone know how most people do it?
thx much appreciated x
Everyone has to get their foot in the door. Musicians have to make music, sell themselves to clubs, and slowly build a following. Sooner or later, someone will notice. Actors are similar. Auditioning for parts in plays, commercials, small roles. Getting noticed by someone in the industry is all chance. Someone who matters sees something they like, and there you have it.
Of course they promote the heck out of them and convence people that they are the next best thing..
For music they sing and post on YouTube or twitter then if you are good then they sometimes ask you to come down to the studio