How is Jesus the messiah of Christianity? He didn't fulfill the prophecy?


New member
Oct 4, 2010
I am confused here. In Judaism the Jews considered a MORTAL, not a son of god that could walk on water, would be the messiah. Jesus considered himself to be the son of god, the people of Judaism didn't believe that god had a son. How is Christianity legitimate?

1. Judaism said that a MORTAL, who was the decedent of the god would be the messiah, not a person who claimed to be the son of god.

2. Judaism had beliefs that the messiah WOULDN'T have magical powers. Jesus did.

3. Jesus didn't fulfill the prophecy that he would rule the world in peace, he actually said in the bible that he would create a civil war and divide father from sons and daughters from mothers, in Revelation.

4. Jesus didn't rebuild the temple

The Christian religion bases its legitimacy around Jesus fulfilling the prophecy, however he didn't even fulfill 1/4 of it. So how is Christianity legitimate?
1, Jesus Himself NEVER claimed to be the "Son of God", but when asked He did not deny it.

2, Judaism had many false beliefs.

3, There are over 300 prophecies that Jesus did fulfil and those that He didn't fulfil at His first Advent, He WILL fulfil when He returns at His Second Advent.

4, When Jesus used the words "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (John 2:19) He was referring to His own BODY, not Solomon's Temple.

Only those who are unbelievers are the ones who FAIL to understand Scripture, as your questions show a complete lack of faith.

The Jews were sadly mistaken in the expectation. That is not to say that what was written did not come true, just not in the way that they had interpreted it. They seem to have missed the suffering servant prophecies completely too.

The Temple is rebuilt in every believers heart.

And Jesus will rule forever in peace. make no mistake.

If Jesus was not the Messiah, then the Jews must have completely missed the "real one" because it's far too late now to establish any credentials for the MORTAL.
You don't have anything to support any of your ideas. Especially the idea of rebuilding a temple. At the time of Jesus the Jews were expecting a messiah but the temple was already built. Therefore building a temple could not possibly have been a messianic prophecy.
You don't have anything to support any of your ideas. Especially the idea of rebuilding a temple. At the time of Jesus the Jews were expecting a messiah but the temple was already built. Therefore building a temple could not possibly have been a messianic prophecy.
Judaism said many things.
That doesm't mean they were accurate.
Please note Jesus' comment at Mark 7:9
"You set aside the commandment of God in order to retain your tradition"
Please note Jesus' further comment at Matthew 15:9
"They teach commands of men as doctrines."
Judaism had a practice of getting it wrong.
Judaism said many things.
That doesm't mean they were accurate.
Please note Jesus' comment at Mark 7:9
"You set aside the commandment of God in order to retain your tradition"
Please note Jesus' further comment at Matthew 15:9
"They teach commands of men as doctrines."
Judaism had a practice of getting it wrong.
1. Not prophecy

2. not prophecy

3. Give Him time, that comes next

4. Expand your thinking....WE are the temple of the Holy Spirit and when He ressurected He not only rebuilt His temple but allowed us our own

5. Stop failing miserably...please're wrong! Jesus Christ DID fulfill prophecy........and He WILL return for His church soon
There's too much paganism in Xianity that isn't actually in the "new testament"

The Jews are right, but Xianity has NEVER looked at why the Jewish people don't accept their "man-god" messiah.

When the "new testament" writings are read, with NO churchman involved, a different picture of Yeshua can be seen.

Xianity is pagan to the core, but they'll never see it.
Jesus did fill the prophecy, just not according to Judaism. Jesus is a descendant of God, through the line of David, as well as being the Son of God. Jesus doesn't have 'magical' powers. He has the powers of God. Jesus will rule the world in peace at the Second Coming (read Revelation). The temple hasn't been rebuilt yet. The prophecy Jesus fulfilled is in Isaiah 53.
1. How can the Messiah be a mortal if he is to have an eternal kingdom (Dan. 7:14, 7:27)? Mortals cannot have eternal kingdoms because they die.

2. Not true. Read Iggeret Teiman. Maimonides wrote that the Messiah would perform many signs and miracles by his hand which would be proof that he was the Messiah.

3. He will fulfill that upon his second coming (cf. Zech. 9:9 first advent; Dan. 7:13-14 second advent).If you can interpret both Zech. 9:9 and Dan. 7:13-14 in a way that both are fulfilled, allowing the Messiah to come once, both upon a donkey and the clouds of heaven, then I will gladly acquiesce and say that the belief in two advents is erroneous. But, even the rabbis of the Talmud were incapable of doing that.

4. He will fulfill that upon his second coming.
You are trying to limit the Living God Himself by placing the chains of "Judaism" on His ability to change the world, do not apply anthropomorphic concepts to someone like God.

Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God, a pre-(ever)existing God-Hyper-Being who undertook mortal existence for the sake of the human race, in order for them to be reunited with the Father in Heaven, by the procession of the Holy Spirit, do you really think we care what "Judaism" says?
These all have been fulfilled and are now being fulfilled. Judaism needs to study the bible and stop listening to the leaders who are walking in the same way the first century leaders walked. Remember that lead to the killing of the Messiah. One question I would like to know is how will Judaism identify the Messiah since all records were destroyed in 70CE. We are reading 1Chronicles and we can see how important the genealogy was to Jehovah so there would not be any question.