How many friends do you in Facebook? is 120 good? lol?


New member
May 25, 2011
I have 120 friends... but people write me often, However I find it little, but I noticed why is there some people that have 400, but no one writes to them?
Hey Cristina. Having 120 Facebook friends is perfectly fine if you really know the people! I personally have 1000 friends but it is mostly people I don't talk to anymore. Actually, If I deleted people I don't talk to.. I would have less than 120. In the long run, Facebook friends don't matter! It's your personality and how you treat people that matters. And again if you have 120 people who you communicate with on Facebook, that shows how loving of a person you are!
It is nothing but depend upon the use of your facebook account. If you are in facebook by your business then obviously your friends would be higher because of driving traffic by status. If you have 120 friends in your facebook account it means you are here as to get in touch with your friends only. But at a time if your 20 friends say to you "Hi, How r u" then it is also impossible to talk all of them but a solution for this problem is that go offline for specific persons and how do you do that check the below source.
I have 455 friends on Facebook. And yeah 120 is a good amount of friends to me.