How to ignore people who cal me "gay"?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Okay, so I'm a bit feminine, but I've toned down a lot on that. People still call me "gay" or "f@ggot." They're usually the guys who think they're cool, but everyone, including the upperclassmen, hates them. The weird thing is, they're nice to me when they're not together. (Why is that?) How can I ignore these rude insults? They drag me down.

I'd hang around more guys, but they all exclude me because they think I'm "gay." I can do well in sports, mainly football and softball (we played softball instead of baseball during PE). However, my team treats me like crap most of the time so I don't try. How should I interact with guys more?

I know who I am and I'm happy with myself. However, how can I be a bit more masculine? Some pointers that a guy shouldn't do? Mainly, how to walk, talk, act. Also, how dramatic should I be? School is starting and I don't want to stir up fights or be angry with people. Please don't say "Just be happy." I'm not going to change my interests or who I am. Just how I act. I would like some basics on how to be masculine. Only helpful comments, please. Thank you :)
High School is a lot like prison. Kick someone's ass the first day and you'll be fine.

Answers mine:
Stand up to them. What they are doing is bullying and standing up to them is really the only way they are going to leave you alone, first speak up and ask them what they're problem is and why they are so obsessed with you, maybe they are the ones who are gay. If they don't leave you alone you could always just kick their ***.