How to stay awake during school, after an all-nighter?


May 14, 2008
I have a horrible sleep routine.. as in, I don't seem to be able to sleep at all for the past week. I've managed on like 3-ish hours a night, but tonight I haven't been able to get to sleep at all. I turned my laptop of at 12am and read a book, I finished the book at about 3am, tried listening to music, doodling, lying in bed with my eyes shut. But it's 5:43 now and I still can't sleep. It's stupid and annoying and if I tried to go to sleep now and eventually drifted off I have to be up at 7am anyway so it's pretty pointless and I'll just feel even more groggy.

So, since I have school, how should I stay awake during lessons and such. I'll be okay until 11am ish, but then I'll end up falling asleep and how should I stop that?
Also, how can I get rid of the feeling - you know when your face and skin feels weird and you just feel.. groggy? xD
