How would people perceive me IF i do become famous?


May 22, 2008
I am asking cause i had career day two day ago and it got me thinking. I really want to become a singer more than anything and i know i am good.

1) Firstly i would be a runaway singer. Seriously. My family has no time whats so ever for me. I do not exist unless i get A on test papers. I can never count on them for support. So i know basically i am alone in this journey, except for a few friends. I am moving to the US and i really want to do something.

2) I have a really complicated background. I was born in Bangladesh. Stayed till 8, moved to singapore and now i am 16. So pretty much i have know idea or clue about anything in bangladesh. Idk what to say if anybody ask me anything about it :/ And people won't shut me down cause i am bengali right?

3) I am afraid they will call me fake. Cause i am very much american due to the fact that all the people around me are VERY americanish and american. I am not fake just influenced a lot.

4) Will they think i purposely lighten my skin color? I have a skin disorder, at least i think so. I have been white, black, dark brown, brown and now light brown. I do not knwo whats wrong/

I really wish that people would focus on my talent and not on these things. The only reason i asked for help is when my best friend pointed all these out to freak me out. I am not fake and i hopw that you would not joke about it. Sorry for writing too long/