Hypothetical question to all religions?


New member
Jun 13, 2008
If your god (assume fore the sake of argument that there is no doubt that it is your god who is talking) showed up and told you, point blank, that you have been mislead, and everything you have been taught is wrong, how would you react?

Example: If Allah showed up and told a Muslim man that He wanted to be worshiped the way the pagans worship Odin.

Remember the only absolute in this question is that it is YOUR GOD making this command.
Doesn't really apply to me, because I already know a lot of stuff championed by Christians are misleading and wrong (i.e. gay hate, anti-abortions, "traditional family values" (daddy works, mommy stays in the kitchen and LIKES IT), recreational sex is evil, your body is shameful, etc.).
Doesn't apply to Buddhism and Satanism because these religions have no Gods or figures that ask to be worshipped.