I am Christian girl. Why can't people be more accepting like Jesus? (Part 2)?


New member
Aug 15, 2009
I am amazed by the intolerance of some Christian people that are supposed to love others and to show them the way of Christ. Go ahead call me a lukewarm meteocre Christian for being kind to gay people, people who have had premarital sex etc. and wanting to help people and invite them to listen to the word of god if they so choose, rather than shun and ostrasize them.

If you beat people down and offend them, tell them they are not a good christian,or that they are going to hell for what they did etc. No one is going to listen to you!!!! You are doing more harm than good!!!! Maybe if you speak with love and respect twoards human kind they will be interested in God and our message.

And maybe your sins may not be the same as that person you see as unfit for God, but YOU my brothers and sisters have sinned as well. I don't care who you are. You are no better than anyone else!!!!

We need more love in this world. More peace!!!!! I think people should lead by example of kindness and grace not shove down peoples throats and get angry judge or critisize. You haven't lived the life that person has anyway or suffered the things they may have so stop judging.

I believe you can help and be a servant of god by being nice to others who don't share your beliefs and share your religion as one who invites others to come and feel clean. To get their burdens off and be accepted. Then people will come in to our light. Stop making people feel guilty and unclean it isn't NICE and it scares them away from the light! TRYING BE NICE!!!!!!! GEEZ I thought thats what it was all about anyway! Being a good person.

That is my mission and what I intend to do while I am here on earth.
Call me all the names you want. Doesn't make me any less of a Christian and my fate is up for God to decide.
I am glad so many of you no matter what your religion desire peace on earth and goodwill twoards fellow man. Thats good for humankind. :D

Wow I suppose I'll wear peace t-shirts now and bell bottoms and flowers in my hair. A hippie eh? :] hahaha

Aww i'm sorry I did not mean to make it seem like all or even most Christians are judgemental at all. :] Plenty of us are accepting and want to have peace and help out it is true!!! However of course we have the people who believe most of the population is going to hell and feel the need to voice this. Same with atheists or anyone of a different religion They have people who are respectful of our religion and all religions (thanks guys!) and some who tell us we are idiots/ want to fight. Everyones got these kind of people and they just like to fight. Well I say peace man. Peace lol
Your intent and stance is appreciated, but do not make Jesus unbiblically meek and mild and tolerant as a result or you will be equally misrepresenting how he is recorded.

"Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in (Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem?
I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
Luke 13: 4-5.

(Whether the representation and message is true is a whole separate question: ex-Christian atheist.)
I agree 100%..... christian or not we are all sinners! none of us are perfect!
and a christian who judges others is not a christian at heart!
everyone will pay their dues when as as god see's fit! a simple smile to a person who needs it is enough!
you don't have to go smacking people on the head with the word off god, because that is not what the lord wants! he loves everyone!
our god loves the sinner just not the sin!>

then if he the all mighty loves them why can't we ! we call our selves christians when all we do is pass judgment!

matthew 6;6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. (KJV)

all we need to do is pray in private behind closed doors be humble and pray for every soul, regardless if we know them or not and god knows that our intentions and prayers are true and pure. and he will reward us and will allow everyone to see!
Sometimes it is the person who preaches the least who is turned to more than the one who preaches the loudest and longest.
Well, errr, yes, this probably isn' t the answer your looking for, but...
Personally I believe that Jesus was just a good person who performed great acts of kindness. The only communication in those days was word of mouth, so what Jesus did was greatly exaggerated over time and distance until he became the 'prophet' that he is today. Humans are eventually going to twist and water down and miss communicate what Jesus said until the Bible becomes what it is today. When people start following this by the letter, you get all the bad parts of the church, the gay bashing, condom criminalization, and the general politics that the religion has deteriorated into, as opposed to the general good mining of peace common brother ship and kindness that Jesus was trying to communicate.
Religion has been horribly distorted and used for the benefit of the corrupt. You sound like a good Christian. Keep it up!
I may not respect religion, but I'll be damned if i don't respect you.
If only more theist thought like you.

edit: to the person below me, I fail to see how she is a hippie for wanting peace. If thats the case, then I'm and hippie too.
Human nature is ugly in and of itself.
The flesh is weak. The soul rebellious.
I have been judged many times by fellow Christians and I have judged others freely.
This world is not paradise by a long shot.
The way of Christianity today is not the same as in the start. If you realize Christ always told those that he forgave to go and sin no more. He never once told a sinner that it was okay to live in sin just as long as they loved God.

Today's Christianity is a sugar coated self righteous bigotry that is either too lenient, or to grossly overly aggressive.

Christ taught love thy neighbor, but he also taught the way to Him will be known by all people in the latter days. We no longer necessarily have to teach Christ people know him well, it is our job to be available, or to make sure the true word is available to those who seek it.

In truth I could care less about what a person does while in sin...If I see that they live in sin I explain the consequences of living such a dangerous lifestyle. I then lead by example and show them my elf which is blessed, then allow them to see for themselves what they are missing.

To allow sin to exist around you, and to think peace comes from acceptance is for you to be a fool. Peace has nothing to do with glorifying peoples flawed habits, nor does it have anything to do with rights or privileges etc. peace comes from knowledge of the Lord. If this world knew God and loved him, showing that love by following his commandments we would all have peace. No need to tolerate gross immorality for a pseudo peace only lasting 5 minuets until the next new things screams for acceptance...but a peace that endures and is real, do you see where I'm coming from?

Homosexuality is gross immorality, alcoholism is a disease, drug abuse, sexual addiction, fornication, blasphemy, judgment, pride, vanity, boastfulness etc are all against Christs way. All of the above are glorified in the world...to accept a person who does one off these things without you trying to let them know that they are destructive makes you guilty of their sins as well. We are supposed to be bright all revealing lights to revel all darkness, not selective lights only skimming darkness to make the hiding devils feel okay.

If a person is in sin, and you revel the truth to them, and they decide to stay in sin, their issue is now on their own head. For you to then act like their sin is okay is for you to be an open hypocrite. Because its not okay. These souls are giving allegiance to a being that cannot love. Without God they suffer, so how can you be content with these people being in a state of stagnant sinfulness even if they think their happy?
The problem I had wasn't about being kind to gays/whatever. It was the way you seemed to indicate that there isn't sin anymore. You seemed to be saying: why don't all you christians realize that being Gay and having pre-marital sex isn't a sin! That isn't correct. But that doesn't mean we should be mean or whatever. Heck, Fred Phelps regularly protests at Catholic churches in Topeka, KS because they stood up and said "god doesn't hate gay people. He loves everyone. He hates the sin, not the sinner.' So now when I go to my in-laws church, I sometimes see his little group there across the street protesting.

I try to be nice to everyone. But being nice doesn't mean that I'm going to ignore the religious text. I'll state my beliefs and be as nice as I can in doing it - usually. Occasionally, I get irritated just as you apparently did.

I have a few friends who are Gay I regularly hang out with. I have friends whose religion was pretty much pre-marital sex. I still get together reguarly with them, too. It doesn't mean I don't think what they did/do is wrong. But I don't force it on them. They know my beliefs and we just tend to ignore it.

I know that others have different beliefs, and I can understand that.
Islam is peace

•impotent"Islam" is closely related to the word "salam or silm" which means peace. Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, himself had a very peaceful nature, was extremely tolerant, and highly protective of the non-Muslim minorities living in the Muslim state.

However, there are times when states find war inevitable, but Islam only permits war in specific and dire circumstances. It keeps warfare at a level of mercy and respect for the enemy that no other army has been able to reach. The Prophet sometimes had to fight for the mere survival of his people and message, but once their security was ensured, he immediately reverted to peace and diplomacy.

There is a rigid code Muslims must abide by in deciding when they can fight and how the fighting should be conducted. War itself is despised, and is only a last-resort option when all other attempts at peace have been made.

A Muslim is never allowed to initiate hostilities. "And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but transgress not the limits. Surely, Allah likes not the transgressors." [2: 190].

The only times in which believers are allowed to take up arms are when they are defending their own lives and the lives of their people, when they see the weak being oppressed in acts of tyranny, and when they are prohibited from practicing their religion:

"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers." [2: 191].

"They question thee (O Muhammad) with regard to warfare in the sacred month. Say: Warfare therein is a great (transgression), but to turn (men) from the way of Allah, and to disbelieve in Him and in the Inviolable Place of Worship, and to expel His people thence, is a greater with Allah; for persecution is worse than killing. And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can. And whoso be cometh a renegade and dieth in his disbelief: such are they whose works have fallen both in the world and the Hereafter, Such are rightful owners of the Fire: they will abide therein," [2:217].

Aside from these circumstances, there is no legitimate fighting in Islam.

The conditions placed upon the soldier in battle are of utmost respect for the enemy and for human life. Islam makes a clear distinction between combatants and noncombatants, forbidding soldiers to harm defenseless civilian in any way. The Prophet said: "Do not kill the women, children, aged or the ill." He also prohibited Muslims from harming monks in their monasteries or hermits in their caves. Cutting down trees, destroying livestock, wells, homes or land of the enemy is likewise forbidden. Upon seeing the corpse of a woman in a battlefield, Prophet Muhammad asked his companions why she had been killed, and condemned it.

There is no excuse for any expedition or attack resulting in the killing of civilians, no one has the right to take innocent lives.

For those enemies active in combat and those taken prisoner of war, the list of rights is lengthy. There is no torture, no killing of the wounded or defenseless, and the return of corpses to the enemy is honored. There is no mutilation of the enemy bodies. Even after Hind bint Utbah, a powerful lady of Makkah, chewed the liver of the Prophet's uncle, Hamzah, after he was killed in a battle between Muhammad and her non-Muslim people, Muhammad still forbade his men from disrespecting a creation of God in such a way

The Prophet commanded the believers to treat the prisoners of war with kindness. One prisoner by the name of Abu Aziz told how surprised he was to see the Muslims giving the better part of their meal-the bread-to the prisoners while they themselves just had dates. "Not a crumb of bread would fall into their hands without them giving it to me," he narrated, "and I would be so embarrassed that I would reject it. But then they would return it back to me."

The Qur'an lays down strict guidelines for the declaration of war by a Muslim army, and Muslims are prohibited from breaching any treaty to which they have agreed.
"If you fear treachery from any people throw back (their covenant) to them (so as to be) on equal terms (that there will be no more covenant between you and them), Certainly Allah likes not the treacherous. [8:58].

The extent of the Prophet's mercy can be seen in the Muslim conquest of Makkah, which happened towards the end of his life. The Makkan tribe of Quraish had blatantly violated the significant "Treaty of Hudaybiyya" by supplying men and arms in an effort to attack a Muslim-allied tribe. They had slaughtered ruthlessly, even killing inside the Holy Sanctuary, and knew they could expect retaliation for such a weighty crime.
I totally agree with you (coming from someone who is not Christian).

Go you!

I applaud your courageous effort.

I wish there were more Christians like you.
Being a Christian does not mean behaving Christ-like.
Even if a person sincerely wants to, it will take a lot of time and effort to become such. Many Christians do not even think they should make any effort to improve themselves because the corrupt religious leaders teach them salvation-on-click.
I just a few moments ago realized I was not being very Christian by bashing Mormons and Muslims.

I too Accept all people and wish to follow the true teachings of jesus bless you for your kindness
I don't want to be intolerant of homosexuals, but at the same time, I cannot accept their lifestyle as acceptable or normal. God will deliver and save any homosexual who comes to Him, but will not change His word concerning homosexuality, just so they can be what they want to be. Listen, you can't be nice to sin, and yes, you can be nice to sinners. What kind of Christian would we be if we just accepted everyone and their lifestyle, and didn't warn them, after giving them the good news of Salvation? If they reject the gift of salvation through Jesus, there is no way of salvation. Jesus is the only way, and He knows the effect of sin, whether it be homosexuality, murder, racism, hatred, etc. Sin has only one ending; death. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Nobody can come and feel clean, only the blood of Jesus can make someone clean. You cannot compromise the message of the cross just to please people. We are here to serve God, not cater to man in his sin, acting like it is ok to sin. Who are you serving, God or man? Who will you obey?
I agree...

When I first was exposed to "The Story of Jesus," what I got out of the whole message was to love and be gentle and compassionate and helpful and light-hearted and fair and sympathetic and to "act" good, not just "talk about doing good..."

To behave in the highest form of thought you can muster would be to love "all" people's of the earth and even love all of life itself and gosh darn it, I know exactly what you mean...

Where's the love? Where's the good and pure of heart actions with no expectation of return other than goodness begets goodness, and violence is simply wrong thinking, and passively resist evil, do not become it by fighting it with violence, and well...you know what I mean...Amen...
We need more Christians like you :)
Its like Jesus sitting with the sinners and hookers and when the people were amazed and asked why GOD would be sitting with them, he said it was because its not the righteous ones that need help, ITS THE WORST SINNERS! I totally agree many Christians are just SCARING THEM AWAY and making much hope lost when instead we should become their friends and be patient and kind to them so that in the end they might be won over to Christ!