I am planning on buying a Blue Ray player. My TV is not HD. Do I need a HDMI...


New member
Aug 29, 2008
...cable? Or is there no point? Since the TV is not HD I assume there is no point getting the HDMI cable. Is that correct? I will get a HD TV eventually so I can get the HDMI cable then. Does that make sense?
The Blue Ray player I'm planning on getting is the Sony BDPS360B.
The TV is a Loewe Nemos 32.
Any comments on the Blue Ray player I plan to get are welcome also.

Thanks a lot.
Also... I guess it makes sense to go with Blue Ray in the long term? Everything is moving to Blue Ray, isn't it? Or are downloads the future? Can you download Blue Ray?... So many questions.
no point, you'll also need a HDMI port on yout TV. u need to upgrade your TV
dan nailed it. blu-ray players are meant for HD TVs. it honestly would be a waste of money unless you get an HD TV.