I have 4 cyl 1996 Honda Accord, Whats the best exhaust system for it?


May 11, 2008
Hey I'm just looking for a cool sounding exhaust for it. Idk if I want a whole exhaust system, or maybe just the muffler. My friend said that Flowmaster wouldn't be good for it, sense it's only a 4 cyl. I was recommended DNX Mufflers or 3A Exhaust but any other suggestions?
flowmaster actually does sound good with a nice muffler. the 3a or dnx just mufflers make your car sound really raspy like a ricer. i prefer the greddy evo exhaust looks big but actually really quiet and gives performance. a little expensive but you can buy the obx brand which is a off brand replica but looks exactly the same and same tone. the muffler alone is 70 with shipping on ebay. but if you have the money get the full greddy evo exhaust its well worth it. hope dis helps you.