I have a question about torrents?


May 22, 2008
I am just curious about one thing about torrents. I know that it's illegal, and they can catch you while you're trying to download something while using it. But I am just curious if the program or file is downloaded and installed already, and torrent is turned off, then can they still catch you? for example if somebody obtained Photoshop from torrents then can they catch you if you're using Photoshop if you're connected online?

My brother says they can't, but I think that they can since the program was obtained illegally. So can anybody let me know?
Torrents are not illegal, people just use them illegally often.

Downloading PS is also not illegal on its own, but installing it and cracking it is. Downloading a movie is illegal...

And once it is downloaded, you generally cannot be caught, unless you have downloaded something that calls home once installed.
OK just to say if your torrent is for software then it will work and it is always best to look for a serial key with that software the serial key normally would be marked on the description of that torrent as sk of cracked always check the txt document that is in the torrent folder as its usually in there. To answer your other question about torrents I always get what i need from torrent files and have been for 4yrs and i am still on my same laptop so your brother is right. That is just the kind of misconception that software providers want you to think, but it is not always the case. Hope this gives you some peace of mind as i know what i am talking about as i am a fully trained IT expert and have been for 8yrs.