If I made up a religion and said that we all worship a vampire, would 2

Don't know. Possibly.. it seems like Vampires are all the rage NOW. All ya need to do is keep people's attention fixated on Vampires for the next 2,000 years and it should steadily grow.

Though you meant this mockingly... it does bring up a good point.

New ideas come and go... so there is some legitimacy for those which stick around. People have believed many things in the past, most prove to be wrong. But once proven wrong or if they aren't true.. they rarely stick around.. eventually 1 of 2 things happen.

1) people move on, change focus and loose interest.
2) people find out they are not true.

SO.. though it can't prove Christianity is right... it is interesting that many ideas have come and gone.. but Christianity seems to be sticking around.
So there must be some truth to it or else we'd loose interest or prove it wrong.

So... if you're Vampire is still around 2,000 years later.. it must contain some truth and be compelling. Otherwise it will fall by the way side like so many other ideas like Roman gods, Greek gods, Geocentric theory, etc.

That bird who wrote the Twilight is doing rather well for herself isn't she? So yeah, I guess so