im 15. i think this guy is interested but he's a total player!?


New member
Sep 10, 2010
we met for a couple days and he lives 4 and a 1/2 hours away but we text ALL THE TIME. its kind of flirty but hes a flirty guy. whenever we start texting though he does NOT end the conversation even if were talking abotu stupid stuff. neither of us have our license but i need some advice!

do i go for him or not?
how do i keep him wanting me?
should i ask him to come to a party with me?
if he comes to the party how far do i go with him? obviously kiss but do i go to second? maybe third? give him a blowjob? ive never had a boyfriend before idkk! he likes personality but hes the type whod want some action too (he has a lot of girls)

I REALLY like him so dont try to talk me out of this lol.. i just need some advice.
he means a lot to me i cant lose him
well since he is a player you need to be different. Don't be like every girl he has been with. play hard to get. but make sure you still look interested. so yeah, invite him to the party but don't far, maybe a kiss would be fine.
Totally agree with the others - you'll be used, never see him again and then come back here asking what went wrong
keep it the way it is, just keep texting him in that flirty way. you said he has "a lot of girls" do not become one of them because then you will definatley lose him. :/
DONT GO FOR HIM. Long distance relationships rarely work especially when you're so young AND the fact that he's a player. Im not trying to talk you out of it, but honestly if you get with him at the party then youre never going to see him again afterwards and you'll end up feeling used. Just try to get with someone in your area..
Long distance relationships never work and don't spend your time with a player. He will just break your heart. You might think he wont but that is how he wants you 2 feel.
NOOOOOO! Unless you have been with someone for a while, and know how they are in real life, not just how they come across over text, DO NOT go any further than kissing them. Inviting him to a party would be a good way to get to know him better, but bring a friend to go with too just in case! But DO NOT go any farther than kissing. If you give him too much too soon he'll end up thinking of you as just another one of the many girls he's had.