I'm an agnostic, I have questions about chistianity. Christians, please answer?


Active member
May 16, 2008
You dont have to read or answer all of this if you don't want. I just want some help. I was raised christian but a couple years ago I decided maybe it wasn't true. I won't waste your time with the story. I just have a few questions:

1. How can God expect mere humans to make such an "out-of-this-world" decision over whether or not to believe in him and the bible?
2. It doesn't seem right that just because you make the wrong decision (or even not hear about God your whole life if you live in a remote African country or something) you to go to hell for eternity. Just comment on this.
3. What about all the fossils and ancient humans that we have found that couldn't speak and didn't know about God? Did he create them or did he put the fossils there to test our faith for some reason?
4. Didn't we not have much christianity in the world (besides when we were created and the time after that where all were christians) up until 12,000 years ago or something? What happened to all the people that didn't know of God then? Just because they didn't know of him, did they go to hell? If so, why?
5. Let's say, high pathetically (I don't mean to be hurtful, sorry if I come off that way) that evolution is completely true. Don't you think, at some point, humans which were becoming smarter and smarter would eventually wonder how they came to be, what happens when we die, etc.? Wouldn't they start to jump to conclusions and form religions in the desperate need of answering those questions?

I have so many more questions.

Bottom line: I would like to think of God, heaven, and the teachings of the bible to be real but it's so hard for me to believe it. Feel free to send me a message. And again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone in any way. I didn't mean to and I'm not trying to bash on it in any way either.